LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

There’s no way this is real. So it’s probably real.

It, uh, seems really, really odd that the article didn’t mention the Hagia Sophia at all, built by Christians in 537, and featuring many of those round domes that I guess the Dome on the Rock invented ex nihilo?

Photoshop is a hell of a tool!

The joke was the Cardinals have only played 5 games so far because their team got covid. Some other teams have played 20 now.




Maybe something is going over my head, but this seems trivially true, and I can’t figure out why you would be incensed by it. POC very often feel forced to white male standards of, for example, how they dress, groom, and express themselves. If you wear corn rows or an afro, or an African print tie, it’s white male culture that will limit your career, not American-style capitalism.

That’s true, but if you read the rest of the thread that’s not what they mean by “white male culture”. They mean pseudo-anthropology like this.

You see, white people be striving towards success and materialism, but black people be turning up the bass.


Ahhh… figured I was missing something.

That slide is probably the most insane. An “anti-racism” seminar at which “traits that ensured white people’s ancestors’ survival and live on in them today” include “a can-do attitude” and “striving toward success”.

That is completely batshit insane.

So wait this is some kind of wolf-in-sheep’s clothing white supremacist BS masquerading as diversity training?

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What’s the problem man, haven’t you ever noticed that black people don’t have principles or a conscience? It’s perfectly valid and you questioning it is frankly colonialism.

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What, you think corporations what to hire radical leftist Black lesbians to do diversity training?


Dumb blonde, my ass. If every 1%-er was like her, we’d have all our shit sorted.

I have family in Sevier County, TN, and everything you hear about how Dolly is a “saint” is absolutely the truth.


Using the term white culture instantly invalidates everything else you say. These people are idiots.

Ya. Anthropologically there is no such thing as white. Whatever they are calling white has no definable cultural limits to measure. It’s just nonsense words put together to mask pure racism.

“When they said ‘Dixie’ was an offensive word, I thought, ‘Well, I don’t want to offend anybody. This is a business. We’ll just call it The Stampede.’ As soon as you realize that [something] is a problem, you should fix it. Don’t be a dumbass. That’s where my heart is. I would never dream of hurting anybody on purpose.”



yeah, and she changed it in 2018!

Y’all into big ol’ doinks?

As much as I hate country music*, it has always had a very low-key subversive element to it that I respect. Of course guys like Johnny Cash were allowed to go full gonzo because dudes are allowed to rock the boat and be rebels, but the women in pop country from Dolly to T-Swizzle have always had to be far more subtle with their messaging. If you listen to 9 to 5 in context, it’s a girl power anthem way before that was even a thing. Dolly was not fucking stupid, she was putting out a working class feminist anthem in a very subtle way. Why isn’t she getting that promotion? Gee, I wonder why.

    • I hate country music except I do love Johnny Fucking Cash and Willie Nelson and Dolly and Nelly. Also, I’ve seen Ralph Stanley live and I have a bunch of bluegrass albums. It’s possible I am a self-hating country fan, I need to think about this.

Nelly is a country musician. I will die on this hill. Can anyone explain to me why this isn’t 100% authentic country music: