LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Aw sheeit I glossed over the Cultural Appropriation part and just focused on whether the info was EXPLOSIVE.

But, says an explosive new book, Arabs and Muslims are actual, real human beings with thoughts and feelings…

Whoever came up with this is not allowed to have any more ideas. Incredibly dangerous and dumb and it totally undermines the goal it espouses. So stupid that I will be 0% surprised when I find out that the person who came up with it was a white dude who was making a point badly.

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All large companies will be implementing diversity and inclusion training. This is not necessarily bad, coercive environment or not. Our company training is much better than this example, which just seems to be training provided by third party provider. Good diversity and inclusion training exists and is appropriate. For example, our training doesn’t lay blame on white males it just clearly articulates the pitfalls of implicit bias and how to minimize them.

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Well right, I mean I wasn’t indicting such training in general. I think the main thing that really bothers me is that participants have to write stuff about how the training has benefitted them and junk like that. Presenting material is one thing, coercing people via holding the keys to their employment and ordering them to write about how they agree is really bad news imo, and counterproductive to boot. The fact that some of the material in that thread is incredibly misguided is icing on the cake.

As example:

This is frankly fucking racist and also how does “the white male standard in corporate America” differ from “the standard in corporate America”? American-style capitalism informs “white male culture” much more than the other way around.


Mmm, that’s some sweet super fucking racist anti-racism.

White people are born with tailored suits and business cards but black people go back to swinging in their jungle trees when they leave their positions.

Like wtf.

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This is gonna happen more and more as diversity and inclusion training becomes more popular. Grifters are gonna hop on and fuck it up horribly.

If that’s not the griftiest name ever I don’t know what is.

You’re right, and my not-at-all-missed last work place was a good example of HR setting up mandatory online diversity training courses to get a box ticked in their PRS, people watching with one eye open and an hour later racially abusing people in a pub.

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In most cases that I’ve read about, these trainings are optional. It would be illegal to require a group of employees selected based on race, gender, etc to get harassed at a seminar. If they “choose” to do it though, it’s fine.

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All of these choices have consequences. If they make D&I training optional and you don’t attend, you’re “not a team player” and hurt your own prospects for promotion and advancement. Which creates the perfect shit storm where the only people participating in these things are the sociopathic career climbers that will say and do anything for a promotion. These people will absolutely wield Diversity & Inclusion programs as a weapon.


What if one racially abuses several different kinds of non-whites. That’s a type of inclusion, technically.

Definitely. Lots of gaps in anti discrimination laws. I was a little vague though. Normal D&I training can be, and usually is, mandatory (for all groups). These crazy struggle sessions where people are harassed for being white men are what’s illegal to require.

I grew up with the exact same weather half way around the world. Canadian prairies. :+1:

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I saw this and chuckled:

But then I saw this and just laughed out loud harder than I have in a long time.

Some things just hit you the right way, I guess.


Indeed. My records for doing fieldwork in Alberta was -39 C I was coring a lake and +46 C I was excavating deep in an archaeological site .

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Who the hell are they targeting with these ads? The base wants racists. Everyone else isn’t falling for the “Trump is less racist than Biden” line.

Trumpers love to talk about how Dems are the real racists. They’re not trying to persuade anyone, they’re just giving the base red meat.

Based on their founders name this whole thing has to be a hoax.


Not sure if you’ve ever been in the corporate world, but big corporations (and I’m assuming big govt) farm stuff like this out to 3rd party companies all the time. I’ve done tons of them - diversity, sexual harassment, cultural sensitivity (for outsourcing with India), conflict resolution, who moved my cheese-type stuff, what personality type are you, etc.

Most were pretty stupid - we all made fun of them and rolled our eyes the entire time. But looking back, there were usually at least one or two good nuggets of wisdom that I took away - sort of like a poker book.

But for a lot of them, if you took the dumbest stuff they said out of context - you could make it look really, really dumb, and even offensive. This one looks dumber than even the things I did in the corporate world. But I’m just saying it’s easy to make them seem a lot worse than they actually were.