LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Son’s friend probably has good taste in food.

I could go for some curry right about now.

Pretty much all my grandmother knew how to cook.

But if you’re poor and emigrate from Ireland, all you’re gonna know is how to boil things.

I recently developed a recipe for New England Hot Dish using ground beef, canned clam chowder, Boston baked beans, tater tots, and frozen clam strips.

Sounds outrageous, tastes delicious.


Has anyone played Call Of War? It’s an online Risk-like game played over multiple days. A friend of mine just got me to join, no clue what I’m doing but wondering if anyone here plays.

It’s officially Taps aff day today… Melting here ffs, get me a choc Ice please.

It feels like it’s 36°

I consider that a nice summer day, you UKers are a strange bunch

Your upcoming weather looks terrible



It’s 30 now in Prague. I have no air-con so the temperature outside is the same as the temperature in my room…fucking hot.

I was completely fine with Scottish weather when I lived there. Cold is good. Heat is bad.

30C = 86F

I can get down with this, sounds better than the hot dish you usually get in MN

In california it’s been in the high 80’s/low 90’s fahrenheit

I don’t have AC so it’s kind of miserable.

… Why do you not have AC?

I live in a coastal town. Many homes around here do not have air conditioning because of the proximity to the ocean breeze. However, there is about 3 weeks out of the year where the heat is bad to deal with, and we’re about to enter those weeks.

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I mean why would I have Air Con, it only gets this warm here like 2 times a year :roll_eyes:

Anyways 26° for us Scots is like 40° for normal peeps. :scream:

I feel ya brother :sunglasses:

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I live a mile from the beach in SD, and it’s exactly as jmakin stated. AC only needed for a couple weeks. I’ve lived here for 20 years, and only had a home with AC ~2 of those years.

I haven’t lived in a house with AC since moving out of my parent’s house. I don’t really mind if it’s like 85 in the house during the day. It hasn’t been hotter than that inside for a few years. Very rarely we have some weird weather and it gets into the high 90s/low 100s near the beach. I lived in NorCal a few miles from the water a lot and it was a tiny bit hotter than here near the beach, but not bad.

It was legit cold in my place yesterday. Today it’s just cool.

We’ll probably get a heat wave in late Sept/Oct though.

Around here a mile makes a pretty big difference. I think around 1/2 a mile is pretty common for the marine layer to start.

Basically to be hot here you have to have pretty strong Santa Anas - ie the wind coming from inland instead of the other way around.

I know there’s been heat, but it feels all of SoCal has been pretty lucky in that regard for the last few years.

100%. I’m in the sweet spot where it’s marine layer to the west of me and sunny to the east.

I love being in the marine layer. It’s especially nice if I’ve been working somewhere hot and sunny and then come home to the sweet cool overcast.

in I wish the Predictit indictment markets were still going on news

yeah sure they’ll get right on that