LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I don’t have anything that old. Just found a hardcover of Eyes of the Dragon first ed. which apparently goes for 10 to 20 bucks. Heck, that’s what I paid for it. And it was a terrible book too.

The elementary school dog phase:


I did one of these purges about 10 years ago. Had my parents toss almost all of it. Among the mixture of old magazines and cards I had hundreds of magic the gathering cards. I played a ton in first year college which was 1993/1994. I don’t recall which edition I had but apparently 1993 is the original and some of the cards are worth thousands. One like $150k. I had hundreds. No memory of which. I’m guessing that was an expensive mistake.

Got two scores from the books so far. The first is the Thieves’ World anthology series. They’re just crappy genre paperbacks, but I have all 12 in good condition. Looks like I can get about $80 for them.

Second is this entire series of 21 books, which I should be able to get at least a couple hundred bucks for.

Yes, I was embarrassingly into fantasy crap as a young teen. Don’t mock. Those Time Life books were actually pretty good and led me to people like Joseph Campbell and a more serious appreciation of mythology and folklore.


I read Call of the Wild at least 30 times before I turned 12.

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If the cards were really from 1993 then this was an expensive mistake (though probably not one that costs as much as a condo.
I recently sold my Magic cards to a colleague who still plays it for 600€. Mine were from 1995 and most cards were only a few cents, but I had three dual lands in there which were discontinued after that edition.
If you bought cards in 1993 they were Alpha it Beta edition and you probably threw away a few k. This would have been the most expensive mistake:

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I had a Call of the Wild / White Fang combo book. Read them both, idk, probably 5+ times. Solid writing, or that’s my memory, anyway.


Dirty Apple

Not to reset the counter on the recorder so you know where to load that saved game from yesterday.

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Blowing on cartridges


Adjacent to the topic and reaction videos I was amused by this fella in the hat in this video from a while ago when, after looking for the on/off switch for a bit, he was told it was on the back - pffft!


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I programmed my first game in BASIC. (No I didn’t design it, I had a book that taught me the basic rules of the language and gave some examples, which I then coded into our 286)

I’m a PC gaming OG.


I did some FORTRAN programming in college.

hey, me too! And MatLab because engineering schools loved that shit.

LOL I used to get a magazine with a game or some program each issue. BASIC baby.

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For my final project in my FORTRAN class in college I wrote a blackjack program.

(I took this class twice. First time I literally never went in once or did anything or took the trouble to withdraw and got an F. Second time I got 100% on every single thing.)

yeah, my dad got me a book when he brought home the PC. I think I was 9 or 10? fuck if I remember. It was really necessity, because they would NEVER give me quarters for the arcade.

coding always came pretty naturally to me when it mattered (College math and engineering), I just hated actually doing it. If I liked it, I would probably be in a very different place now.

I had the same book. White Fang was a good read too.