LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I don’t keep up with this thread usually, so hopefully my p-word (pony) wasn’t slow.


Using a glove as a controller.
Killing ducks by firing a gun at a TV


Booting the computer with the 5.25" HiMem floppy, because games were several MB and wouldn’t run in system memory.


Vacuum tubes.

Nice… I forgot about this. :ok_hand:

Pressing alternating keys as fast as you could to run.

When you died in Castle Wolfenstein, if you were quick and flipped up the lock on the disk drive in time, you could restart at the last room you entered.


Using a rollerball pad to play soccer/football

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start


Similarly i have all but stopped playing Words with Friends because I get stuck with all the V’s every game, always

Omg this is burned in my brain forever!

I had a BBS that traded pirated C64 games. I also had codes to dial long distance free. So I’d stay up all night until the other BBSs came free then d/l or trade games.

For a glorious 6 months or so I had the best selection of C64 games in the KC area. But then I got complacent and my games got stale.

The worst is when that C64 floppy drive couldn’t find something - it would make a super loud thumping sound that would wake up my Mom and I’d get yelled at. I slept through class and napped all afternoon after school.

I tried doing some stuff in BASIC - got frustrated with all the unhelpful “syntax errors”. I didn’t take up programming as a career until I was 29, possibly due to my bad experience with BASIC.

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Speaking of C64 games, you know I never did actually Catch Carmen Sandiego. I was thinking the other day I should sit down when I have free time some weekend and actually play that through to the end.

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I completed Impossible Mission twice - which really was an insanely hard game. Maybe my proudest gaming accomplisment.

Just came to post this. God damn… I didn’t think I could hate this guy any more and then this happened.


I definitely beat Impossible Mission once, but damn, some of those C64 games were nuts. I had my ass handed to me so often in Boulderdash; that game was way more sadistic than Dark Souls.

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I feel like I might be somewhat responsible for the gen-x nostalgia fest and I’d like it to apologize.