LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

A few years ago we were drinking at a lake side bar/restaurant that has docking areas you can pull up and order or tie up and go into the bar and eat. In front of everyone a drunk bunch on a pontoon rammed the dock several times and finally realized the embarassment of going into the bar after that was too much and just took off lmao.

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Channel markers. But I don’t know enough to give any further guidance.

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This ^^. Channel markers.

Those are for showing off your navigation skills. Slalom around them in a figure-8 pattern to impress the other people on the boat.


That’s what I was hoping. I’m gonna bring my own WAAF flag and fly it proudly while im showing of my sweet boating skills.

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Oh duh. Those mark safe passage. Don’t ignore them or you can run aground.

Well yeah, I know what they’re for. But I didn’t want to give advice because I think you are supposed to stay right or left of the marker depending on what color the marker is. But I have no clue which is which.

Also, I was with my brother once on his sailboat when we ran aground in a channel when heading to Woods Hole. Luckily it was just a sandbar but we had to wait for high tide to “pop” us back off as the hull was mired in pretty good. So I guess sometimes even in the marked channel itself you need to be careful. (Although I suspect that was a rare thing to have happened and also it was low tide.)

Sorry I meant well duh me, not you. :grin:

This will help

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For your nightmares:



There’s really only one clear choice here:


@Tilted ilted 3 things with the pontoon boat

Don’t go anywhere that gets waves bigger than 1’. They aren’t designed for open water.
Consider getting a boater education card through IDNR. Indiana requires them below a certain age and the stuff is good to learn.
Learn to sail instead, much more fun and there is no speed disadvantage with pontoon boats.

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LOL at “learn to sail.”

That’s like giving someone a recipe for homemade artisanal pizza when they ask for a recommendation for a good takeout place.

lol NRA


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703 Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail and
Other Unique Eligibility

1.2.2 Primary Purpose
The standard of primary purpose used in the definitions in 1.2.3 through 1.2.10
requires that the organization be both organized and operated for the primary
purpose. Organizations that incidentally engage in qualifying activities do not
meet the primary purpose test.

I guess it makes sense to brag about being a nonprofit while you still exist.

I’ve never driven or wanted to drive a pontoon boat, but got pretty good at driving 15-20 foot power boats in college. It’s an if you don’t use it, you lose it skill, so definitely take it slow until you gain some confidence. Also, remember that steering goes away when you kick it into neutral and going from drive to hard reverse is ok and sometimes necessary (especially when docking). Definitely a good idea to learn the rules of the road too.

us in a few months?


I received an ultimatum on Friday - everything from the attic was now in the garage and needed to be gone by the end of the weekend. There was no alternative course of action allowed. My recollection was a few boxes of books that I expected to dump at Goodwill. The reality was a bit more. How the hell did I accumulate this much crap before I was even an adult?

Some highlights include proof of longstanding Canadian/Newfoundlander ties:

Apparently I had a multi-year subscription to Dragon magazine? I don’t remember this at all. Not trying to pretend I wasn’t this much of a nerdy dork, because I totally was. But I’ve seriously repressed a lot these memories.

I also not only had a subscription to Newsweek in 1984 (these are in my name), I also saved them.

Fuckin’ Betamax baby!

The very first one:

I think these might be worth money? They’ve never been opened.

I want to believe this is worth money too, but I’m pretty sure it isn’t.

Finally, this:

Thank you and god bless.