LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

man a lot of stuff is going on with the main presidential candidates let’s see what’s going on with the third party candidates, I’m sure they can make up some ground here…

Kanye won’t make yet another ballot

and this

the libertarian has been bitten by a bat

You bats still have a long way to go to make up for what you did last year but we appreciate it.

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Just for fun, lets go see where she stands on issues.


Jorgensen supports a free-market healthcare system financed by providing individuals with a spending account and allowing individuals to keep any savings, which she believes would create an increased incentive for healthcare providers to compete by meeting consumer demand for low cost services.[36][37][38]



Jorgenson has characterized the U.S. government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic as overly bureaucratic and authoritarian, calling restrictions on individual behavior such as stay-at-home orders and corporate bailouts, “the biggest assault on our liberties in our lifetime”.[37][40][44]

That is all in line with libertarianism, but yeah lol libertarianism

Must be weird in the Libertarian party right now considering 98% of them abandoned Libertarianism for Trumpism. At least you know who the true believers are.

Same as Tea Party. True Believers: Justin Amash. That is the list.



Damn those sensible Scandis.

This is an absolute cracker.

Was a lead chorister in a choir before my voice broke and always enjoyed doing this - only 2 of us could reach the high note properly.


Who the hell gets bitten by a bat! Is this an actual thing outside B horror movies?

An acute public health crisis is to libertarianism as garlic is to vampires.

I remember at summer camp we had a rabid bat. It was very scary.

Canadian beer gaff

Still tastes of piss, probably?

In the event of a tie (or that Kanye gets a state and prevents people from getting to 270), the House votes en bloc by state for POTUS and the Senate votes for VP. If that’s the case, it’d be theoretically possible to have a Biden/Pence duo in 2021, no?

Just trying to think of crazy shit that could take people by surprise.


This happened in 1796. They’ve changed the rules since then, but it’s still possible as you explained.

Wife + Friends and I are going to rent a pontoon in a couple weeks. Never driven a boat before, but it can’t be that hard right? Any advice?

Super easy to drive. The biggest rookie error is misunderstanding stopping distance. It takes WAY more than you think in a boat. Give yourself a huge birth to everything else and when docking.

Good tip, that seems like the hardest part; but if I just take it super cautious then it shouldn’t be an issue right? Waves + gravity should take care of it. I did drive a jetski this summer so it’s gotta be close to that right?

Yep. If there are waves also be cautious as they can carry you far and fast. With waves significantly increase birth and stopping distance yet again.

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Thanks bud. What do the poles that are sticking up out of the water represent? I should just stay between them right?

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Not sure what you mean. Which poles?