LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

wtf is going on here?

This is completely amazing.

I can’t tell if this is just more over-militarized cops or if some idiot youtoob celeb/Disney Channel star really has done something that merits the Seal Team Six treatment by the feds.


Oh no not Logan :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Possible someone SWATed him as an epic prank?

I have them confused, I thought they were after Logan Paul, the other idiot YouTube star that I’ve heard of from somewhere.

lol - idiots

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No way I’m making jokes over this headline…

Well, okay then.

Best Jake Paul content here:

I don’t get what’s up. The only thing I know about the Paul’s is that they boxed a couple of other YouTubers.

Looks like this is gonna be a big book.


Somebody needs to invent a way to append a person’s experience score to their social media posts so when they make some technical claim the reader knows if it’s worth respecting.

Jocob Wohl is at it again! Seriously, why is this guy not in prison, or better question, why does ANYONE still fall for his shit? (explanation for existence of this twitter account included in thread) A thread:

I try not to judge people’s names but this was from an actual delivery to me.


I dont know about the rest of you, but I’m starting to think that social media may not be such a great thing and the perverse incentives baked into the culture might have some downsides.


Checked up on this story. If Jake Paul is Antifa, I’m turning in my Antifa badge.

3:06 PM PT – It appears almost certain Wednesday’s raids in Calabasas and Vegas have to do with Jake’s Scottsdale arrest. Armani Izadi – a longtime collaborator and former friend of Jake’s – owns the Vegas home that was raided by the FBI. Izadi was also arrested with Jake in Scottsdale.

2:08 PM PT – The FBI has just played its hand – partially – and revealed the raid is somehow in connection with Jake getting arrested in Scottsdale during a George Floyd protest. The FBI tells TMZ, “The FBI is investigating allegations of criminal acts surrounding the incident at Scottsdale Fashion Square in May, 2020.”

Jake was in the mall and arrested for trespass and was charged with a criminal misdemeanor, but the City Attorney has dropped the case – it appears at the behest of the FBI – and the more serious investigation has taken precedence.

I’m not in favor of a four-year sentence, but if I’m the judge maybe I ask them, “What’s the minimum I need to do to you idiots so you’ll stop being stupid?”

I mean this sounds pretty horrifying if the FBI is raiding houses of people who were looting during the protests.


so this is old but new to me, LOL at the fake shooting and LOL at him literally shooting down his own campaign sign in his own campaign video

and LOL he’s losing his race as the incumbent by 13 points tonight apparently.

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