LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

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I just watched a 1 min segment on that A’s bench coach who did the Nazi salute, where they showed they guy, but only after he bent his arm back, and narrating in the background about the nazi salute. I was confused because I didn’t realize what he was doing was a Nazi salute of any kind. Then I looked it up and saw video of the whole thing.

The only think I can think of is that they thought it would be offensive to show it, so they didn’t show it, but instead decided to talk about it while he was doing something very different with his arm, thus making it confusing as fuck.

Disclaimer: I was watching while I was running on a treadmill, so I wasn’t paying 100% attention, but I did rewind this part because I was so confused, and I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss anything.

I’m probably hopelessly naive, but I don’t think the dude intended to do the Nazi salute the first time, it got pointed out by one of his players what it looked like he was doing, and then he did an exaggerated salute to the crowd. I think he was trying to exaggerate it and make a joke after foolishly realizing what he was doing.

I think he’s guilty of a poor sense of humor and lack of sensitivity to the moment, but I don’t think dude was really going out there intending to make a Nazi salute.

Yeah, it’s pretty hard to watch the full clip and come away with the impression that he was knowingly doing a Nazi salute, whether tongue in cheek or not. Just a dumb (relatively) old guy.

Yeah I’ll agree with that. AFAIK, there isn’t a history of this guy being a Nazi.

I really dont understand the second one. Ok, in the first instance he’s holding up his arm to high five someone, he inadvertently assumed a posture that he didn’t intend to. No worries. But then he turns around and is like “HARDEE HAR HAR YEAH I WAS DOING A NAZI SALUTE LIKE DIS HARDEE HAR HAR”. Uh, dude, no. We dont laugh about this stuff in 2020.

I guess my read is that in the moment, even after being corrected, he still didn’t register what he was doing. He turned to the crowd to make fun of himself for being the out-of-touch coach who so badly messed up the cool kids’ new celebration that he had to be corrected. "Look, I was doing it straight out instead of bent. What an IDIOT!’

(I mean, I guess it’s pretty inexcusable that he doesn’t already know what it connotates, but I’d imagine that the pool of Americans who couldn’t tell you what the Nazi salute was if pretty big.)

Maybe I’m the real Nazi for even bringing it up!

Yeah, this is my read on it. Basically, someone says dude you’re doing the Nazi salute, he’s like no I’m not. Then realizes oh shit I am. Then exaggerates for comedic effect. It’s just not funny. But, I don’t really think there’s much more to say about it other than we still live in a moment in a time where morons think this stuff is funny. It’s something I might have done in middle school which I think is about the level of conservative/apolitical “humor” these days.

Making Nazi salutes in 2020 is gay. I have no idea myself what level this is on.

Ah yeah it’s probably the IRS thing where they go after celebrities hard for publicity. This is the highest profile person they’ve got.

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This got me good. You have to hang in to the :40 mark, payoff is worth it.


I don’t understand. Are you say you like that song?

These kids have a bunch of videos with a similar theme (they listen to a lot of white musicians and for some reason white people like that idea Twin brothers bringing people together through music reaction videos: 'There is no color to music' | Fox News)

They don’t just listen to Phil Collins. They also listen to good music.

React videos are the lowest of the low among YouTubers.

Creating absolutely nothing original or interesting what so ever.


I’m officially revoking your Gen-X card. You’re a shame to your generation.

I think this is more likely than not, but not 100%.

It made me laugh. That’s all. Yikes.

I’m too old to be able to understand why “reaction” videos are a thing, but I do like the ones where youngsters discover classic metal I used to jam out to and it blows their minds.

But theres a million if these. People know that OMG! faces on these videos attract clicks. It’s all an act.


Actually, I watched the video again. I was focused on him being corrected by Hendriks, pointing at Hendricks, and then doing it exaggeratedly towards the stands, but I dunno. That first salute is pretty clear. If this were Laura Ingraham we’d know if was intentional. It looks pretty intentional.

I think I’m shading closer to your level of uncertainty. The context makes no sense.