LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I just lost my $400 Kindle I never use and my $200 Wacom Tablet I bought 3 years ago and never took out of the box. I need to rummage around a bit to see what else I lost.

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These were specifically listed on our policy and have their own premium and had an appraised value.

Please make copies and email them if you have receipts with no name.

Something amusing spotted in AFL over the weekend, here’s a West Coast Eagles fan offering the umpires some constructive criticism.


They’re a lively bunch, West Coast fans. Here’s one getting similarly mad at Lance Franklin of the Sydney Swans back in 2006 when Franklin kicked the winning goal in a playoffs game. (While West Coast did lose that playoffs game to Sydney, they actually went on to defeat Sydney in the Grand Final that year).

Wait a minute. Computer! Enhance!



I have an idea for a game show where the grand prize is you get to return anything you own for the original price you paid for it. I could retire tomorrow.


Super LC incoming- So anytime anyone mentions glow sticks to me IRL I mention how my great uncle invented them. It’s obviously not true but it’s one of those lies that people believe because it’s ridiculous to make up otherwise. One of my cousins believed our fam invented them until she was like 30 years old because of that story.


Sorry for getting nitty about AFL players on an american site, but that’s Michael O’Loughlin, not Lance Franklin. Also, living in WA I can confirm WCE supporters are awful in general (apart from the wife and her family mostly).


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RIP - that guy from the Letterman show.


Fuck expensive jewellery.

There’s an election coming up in NZ and a poll dropped today.

Jacinda Ardern’s Labor Party: 61%
Nationals (the main opposition party): 25%

Man if trump had just taken a step back, let the scientists handle the corona response and cut big trump buck cheques to everyone for a 6 months he’d be cruising to one of the biggest landslides in us history imo.


COVID was never going to be as easy to control in the US as it was in NZ, there was a bunch of community transmission going on before it was even detected.

But yeah, basically. It’s a similar story to NZ in Australia, where back in January in the wake of the bushfires debacle, the Labor leader had a 5-point lead over PM Scott Morrison as preferred Prime Minister, with Labor also having a 4-point lead over the Coalition two-party-preferred. It’s like presidential elections in the US, 4 points is a decent lead. The numbers now: Coalition up 6 points on Labor and Morrison crushing it with a 59-26 lead with 15% uncommitted. As long as you can’t be credibly blamed for them (and sometimes even if you can) crises are such free popularity for leaders. Get up there, look leader-ish, maybe crib some lines from Churchill speeches, gain like 20 points of popularity. Like I was kind of astonished at the way Morrison managed to fuck this simple task up circa the bushfires but he definitely learnt his lesson the second time around.

All Trump has ever known how to do is marketing and spin and that doesn’t work on pandemics but he was dumb enough to try it anyway. “One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear!”. GJGE.


Amazingly, his response has been even worse than that. It’s this, AND telling people “sure, you’ve lost loved ones or your job and maybe soon your home and theres no certainty when things will recover, but consider how terrible it is that people are attacking ME with all these accusations!” When you have an untreated personality disorder then just doing what a normal person would do, let alone a competent leader, was never on the table.


In a similar vein I had my kids convinced the phrase “Hot as a haddock” was a thing, which lead my daughter using it in front of her friends when she went to University - insisting it was a thing, googling it only to find there was only one matching entry and it was her brother asking if the phrase hot as a haddock was a thing


Beat: Your son is banned from NeoGaf.


Brag: looks like I have a stalker


I had to fact check your post, I’m the Glenn Kessler of Unstuck.


This is incredible.

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