LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Correct. We always knew this stuff was possible. Cults have been around forever and can/will form anywhere that an echo chamber can be established. And therefore this outcome is absolutely a natural consequence of the internet. One of my biggest personal epiphanies (which is several years old now so its hardly an insight at this point) was understanding the contradiction at the heart of the internet - because the internet makes information widely available it should make people more informed, BUT because there is so much information people demand tools that filter the information down to a consumable size, and because people are flawed they love and adopt tools that feed them agreeable information. So the internet mostly does not make people more informed, it makes them believe that their narrow views, or even wholly created fictions they believe, are widely held and widely supported.


I was going to a chiro for ART (basically trigger point therapy) until I realized a massage therapist was just as good and a lot cheaper. (Insert rub and tug joke here)

Is there such a thing as a legit massage therapist.?

A long time ago I had a back problem and went to see someone specialising in Swedish sports massages. She was about 60 so it sounded above board, and so it was until she started trying to play around and asking if I wanted anything else lol.

no I didnt

I think the vast majority outside of the obvious rub and tug fronts are legit therapeutic massage. But I am fairly naive so who knows. (Plus it would hurt my ego to know my usual massage therapists are getting down to business with other clients yet never made a move on me.)

Ok, thanks for massaging my ego.

I’ve only gotten one massage before at a chain called massage envy but it was legit

I have several friends with “degrees” in massage therapy. Only one I know actually did the side action. First in Kansas City and then in Denver. She was also a stripper. She had an annoying ass Fran Drescher laugh and when I lived in Denver I picked her up from the strip club on Colfax (they all needed a person to drive them home to show they weren’t just going whoring with customers) and one night Cypress Hill was there and B Real told her how cute her laugh was. It made it worse because she believed him and laughed more after that.

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And now we see why Snyder all of a sudden wanted to flood the headlines with stories about their name. Burn the whole fucking franchise down.

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jesus, this didn’t even cross my mind but you’re totally right.

Na, it’s just that the world is too complex and difficult to understand and they don’t like uncertainty or facts that damage their egos or contradict their emotional reactions and their need to be a hero (kids in cages vs wayfair or abortion). They thus construct an alternative reality with conspiracies that link scattered “facts” together. It is particularly bad in the current US because there is a self-contained BS media ecosystem that caters especially to them, while also arguing that mainstrem media is fake. Religion is a common co-factor because its an invitation to an alternate reality. Such anti-fact anti-rationalist views are common, even standard, all over the world and also appear to a lesser extent on the left in the US (sometimes even on this site)


What is the proper way to tell an upstairs neighbor that their little children are fucking demon elephants and need to calm the fuck down and stop stomping on my goddamn ceiling

Dear FBI: I’m using fucking as an adjective here


Bang the ceiling with a broom. It’s a classic sitcom bit.

Coober Pedy TR part 1 is up.


This one is a doozy.

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Tell them you are reasonable and will only kill one child per day until the remaining children learn to be quiet.

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The vast majority of massage therapists are totally legit. Like 99%. I’ve had hundreds of massages in my life. I’m a bit of an addict. I’ve had them in like 10 countries. I’ve never been offered a happy ending.

It’s pretty easy to tell a legit place from a sex work shop.

I should add I’m speaking mostly of Canada of course.

what are some tips for avoiding the legit places?


Easy. Look for a place open after 8 and with a neon sign. You are guaranteed a happy ending.

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Clovis is onto something here. Places I’ve been offered “extras”:

[ ] massage parlor
[x] a strip club
[x] a Red Lobster