LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Mine also does homeopathy, so he’s legit. Not sure about the rest of them.

obv joking


Mine gave me exercises to do at home that I think ultimately fixed my back problem more than the adjustments.


In practice there must be some overlap between chiropractors, massage therapists, physiotherapists, etc. I do think some of that stuff works. But quality of service providers is all over the map.

Like core-strengthening stuff? Yeah that’s pretty much the cure of most back issues anyway. That and lose weight. And obviously you’re not going to strengthen your core at the chiropractor’s office.

The guy who did my hernia surgery made me get a homeopathic thing that was supposed to help prevent bruising or something. I was not happy about that. But I researched the guy and he had 20 years of surgery and a great reputation. Sigh.

I even researched the homeopathic thing and a few sites which were completely skeptical of homeopathy were like - well, mayyyyybe this one might actually work.

Yeah, he gave a bunch of different exercises that were building muscle on my back pecs (idk what they’re called) and working on my hips that I can do in the office. He also encouraged me to go to yoga and said he goes once a week. I was surprised to hear him say that. I used to do both yoga and pilates every week at one point pre-covid.


Her opponent just conceded on Facebook too


not sure if any of you like to post this goof but if I ever made fun of you for posting him in the past, i wholeheartedly apologize for my racism


lolol this Starbucks and the park she’s sitting in are so close to where I live had to text someone who’s parent is a chiropractor “do you recognize this hand writing?” and I know there’s a new drive thru Starbucks in the same fucking area she could have got to.

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So basically, he gave you what an educated, trained, and licensed physical therapist would have given you. Chiropractors are a scam…ever notice how you have to keep going back? $$$

You know how mothers all have their little sayings, like “don’t make that face, it’ll get stuck that way,” etc? My mother’s saying was “chiropractors are quacks!” This might strike you as a strange thing to hear from a mom, until you learn that my mom is a physical therapist.


Yeah, I do consider it a bit of a scam. But it’s convenient for me to visit them where they are and work pays for it 100%. Not sure I would spend my own money on it.

eta: I don’t go regularly anymore.

I went to PT for thoracic spine. Seemed like a lot of the same moves a chiro would do. The difference I think is they don’t, like, claim that it cures cancer. Best part of PT was that they wanted to give me a “device” to use at home, but I had to wait several weeks to get it because insurance. I actually have it right here:

lol and they would have charged like $150 for it too I bet.

I have one if those in my home gym!

With schools being closed the US army is finding different ways to get people to sign up for their imperialist missions


Alright I’ve been looking through pictures on this crazy lady’s facebook page (5000+ mobile uploads holy shit) and here are some of my favorites just from the past month or so

protests in pacific beach in v for vendetta mask

oh cmon

meme of herself? captioned “ask me about thieves essential oil”

protests downtown


complete nutter


This is the stuff that really gets me. Like how many people would need to be in on the conspiracy for this guy to be a paid actor? Everyone who ever worked with him on the police force and everyone involved with booking him after his arrest. And of course if any of those people go to the media, they’re in on it too.

And yet you have people showing up and physically harassing Sandy Hook parents, in person, because they are so certain of the whole paid crisis actor theory.

It’s mental illness - except it’s occurring in some decent-sized chunk of otherwise functional people. Mass delusion is more apt maybe. Youtube has to be more than 50% responsible for this shit. It’s a serious problem.


Yeah that’s why I didn’t ask.

Yeah my only theory is that these people have huge egos and think of themselves as really really special and unique and something about that leads them to think they’re the only sane person in a world full of crazy people. That and massive dunning-kruger effect.

Guys. Spoilers.