LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

i just saw the setup they’ve got there with 2 spots and one charger, and i thought, “wow, what do i do if i pull up second? i just unplug their deal i guess. but then would they be mad?” so i posted the poll here to find out, and it turns out i guess people would be mad lol like in general. but if i ever critically need to do it, i’ll do it and leave a note. but i’m not leaving $10, it’s a free charger i’m not pinning $10 to someone’s window for 20-30 kilowatts, be realistic here

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This is good. We’ve had lots of honey vanilla greek yogurt around here and liked it a lot, but this one is on another level.


Say you come home from work with a very low battery and plug in. You’ve got a big date later, but you’ve got plenty of time to charge while you get ready. You leave to go on your date and you see someone pulled into the spot next to you and stole the charger, apparently only a few minutes after you got home. Would you be mad?

You mean they unplugged it from your car and plugged it into their car?

yeah i mean, it’d be burglary. i’m paying for that electricity at home, i’d be mad that i was just burgled.

It’s not really about “stealing” a few pennies of electricity (I assumed it was provided by the apt/condo complex). It’s the rudeness of unplugging the charger from someone’s car.

the free thing is the only reason i would even consider unplugging.

it’s rude of the parking lot to have 2 spaces and one plug. these conflicts are inevitable


LOL, true.

Yes, I’m flippin’ the script.

Regardless, if someone else has the plug it is absolutely filthy rude to unplug it from their car and plug it into yours.

He’s the stereotypical rich California celebrity who gets money and goes off into all kinds woo-woo, though he’s widening his interests to include bigoted conspiracies. He calls himself a “guru” and wears turbans like a Sikh without quite claiming sikhism.

Seems more like someone was testing the fences.

Why assume a specific “show of force” motive?

No that is a forum of Moorish head covering i think and they claim him as one of their own from a quick google search.

Some of them think whites are a violent mutant race destine for slavery and that they are the real Jews and superior race and will rule earth. Also they are the true owners of America and it will be handed over to them in the near future.

Good news is if you are Irish or Italian or a few others you might not be enslaved.

Found that rabbit hole when i was trying to find out what black Irish means…never did find out…or i found a lot of different answers.

wiki on them.

Oof. That’s a lot of added sugar. Just eat chocolate ice cream IMO.

I know all you peeps were concerned about how the mega rich were going to cope with the economic downturn from covid. But worry no more they’re doing just fine thank goodness.

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“In line with or above target” doesn’t sound that great. I think the government should give them a few more trillions of dollars.

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I can’t imagine any other reason why a government agency would use their access in such a public way for so little a return.