LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

This doesn’t seem like an optimal way to leverage an admin-level Twitter hack for scamming money.

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Tinfoil hypothesis: It’s a state-sponsored attack meant as a show of force rather than a financial scam.


Maybe this IS the actual scam…

It’s the free market, man. People losing fortunes because of a twitter hack will lead to better social media.

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I got suspended on Twitter for this:


Like the old Bond film where they made Big Ben strike thirteen to signal something or other.

IF the hackers get access to the DM’s this could be HUGE!!!


Hey folks, remember how in 2016 the Russians hacked both the DNC and the RNC but only DNC emails were leaked during the campaign? Good times…


I don’t think I remember the actual plot to a single Bond film. Ski chases tho…

wait, so Twitter’s response to a hack is to…not allow people to change their passwords? sigh

Some Democratic political figures were also hacked as part of the cryptocurrency scam, including Barack Obama and Joe Biden. As of the time of writing, no Republican politicians saw their accounts compromised.

It’s not immediately known how the account hacks took place. Security researchers, however, found that the attackers had fully taken over the victims’ accounts, and also changed the email address associated with the account to make it harder for the real user to regain access.

Yup. It’s a rip-off. Don’t get it. The $40 tower fan we got from Costco works better.

Bitcoin, the money of the future!

Don’t see why you are blaming bitcoin for this?

I have to agree with sky. I’m finding it hard to imagine the Venn diagram of people who trade bitcoin and fall for a scam where bill gates is giving away free money on twitter but only if you send him money first for some reason.


Seems like a good time to plug kitboga on Twitch. May not be your cup of tea but it kills a whole day of bookkeeping for me often.

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Enjoy your black spores!

Nick Cannon is batshit crazy apparently. This clip doesn’t have it but he also rattles off an impressive stream of Illuminati, Rothschild, Bilderberg, Freemason pure argle bargle.

He’s got Dwayne Wade on his side though.