No kidding. I live in a super blue county and I see Trump flags all over.
OKC, OK. The city (like all cities) is blue. We elected a dem to the US house last cycle. My
Parents live like 20 mins away in the town my dad and I went to HS in. It’s racist as fuck.
All the midwest is this way. Minneapolis is Democrat heavy enough to carry the elections. The rest of the state is Minnesota nice in that if you are white you are golden and if not move along.
Whaddup all??
Do you want to see Montana?
Welcome back
On a national level I always thought blowing$$ on tv ads was extremely——EV. I would guess blowing money on your a tv network that’s primary purpose is to hate u is even more — EV. Maybe that’s part of Trumps narcissism, he thinks can change cnn viewers just like many maga morons think they can “ fuck the gay” out of lesbians or straighten them out.
Has anyone ever been swayed by a tv ad for a president itt?
Glad you finally showed up. Will you be modeling the elections this year?
I was joking/referring a movie to a line from a movie. Have you ever seen Hunt for Red October? It’s a good insight into how Americans in 1990 imagined the Soviets were like.
I’m 2-3 weeks clean from it. I am partners In a bar and a party bus so inevitably it’s costing me some exposure/ revenue but my serenity was being harpooned daily by it. I was embracing hate and wishing death n hundreds of deplorables daily and it was messing w my home life .
I’m not sure. On one hand, I find myself eagerly glancing at the polls and wanting to be inputting them into a model. And I like data science, obviously.
But I do have 3 kids now and less extra energy for anything trying to live under quarantine and not get stabby about people wearing masks. And Nate Silver’s work has advanced to the point of being really really good, so I go back and forth between building my own model and just stress refreshing his.
Don’t forget to download all your shit. It’s a nifty tool
Have you been able to figure out why German people love David Hasselhoff so much?
I am also drunk.
Oh great, now we can enjoy mixups between goofball and goofyballer again. No really, welcome to the new joint.
Sick brag about being an old Jew with hair. Pretty much everyone in Israel are bald by your age. I suspect the water is poisoned.
On Nextdoor (how do I have time to post somewhere else?)
A: Perfectly healthy adults can decide to wear a mask or not for themselves. Error [sic] on the side of freedom.
B: The freedom to not wear a mask comes with a $1000 fine.
Me: Freedom isn’t free!
Ive never understood why they pulled up. This was a recurring pattern of unforced error too.
Three kids! Congratulations, and may God have mercy on your soul.