LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Good. We need to pause until we figure out what the hell is going on.

Re: books

Curate your collection to have a good background for your professional video conferences or TV appearances. Donate the rest to the library if they will take them. Keep reference books that you use, and any other books that you will read (be honest with yourself). We lost like 90% of our books in a basement flood, and threw them all away. Records too. It was kind of sad, but I got over it. Pretend the ones you are donating or tossing have lots of mold and mildew on them, and it might make it easier.

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I’ve never done adderall. Definitely sounds like ritalin is the right one for me.

They don’t call it “kiddie cocaine” for nothing, lol.

I get pretty chatty on it. But that’s a good thing, as a lot of the time I’m around people I tend to be not present and mono-syllabic. Unless drunk of course.

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Not a criticism - I like this since I am actually pretty quiet - but you’re chatty as all get out.

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I’m either on ritalin or drinking every time you’ve seen me.

It’s not so much with people I don’t see very often, because there’s always plenty of catching up. It’s with people I see a lot - like gf, or family after being home a few days. I just feel like there’s nothing to say and I wander off into my inner-world. Ritalin definitely helps me be more present.


A car with retractable headlights, power windows, power seats. That was true opulence.

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Seriously though: owning a home.

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Who are the actual mods here? I have a request. Not for banning anyone or anything.

Heh, same, actually. We didn’t have a car with power windows until I was in middle school.

Being able to fly to go on vacation instead of driving to the destination.

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Zikzak recently directed me to some thread that supposedly had it. Can’t find it now though. You’d think it’d be in About Unstuck, but shrug. Also, I don’t know if there’s really nothing in the Lounge or French BBV or if I’m just not authorized to see it. Maybe it’s in one of those.

eta: Here we go About - Unstuck Politics Forum

Mods have that little shield thing next to their names


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A car. So we became rich when I was about nine (Ford Fiesta).

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Ordering something to drink besides water at a restaurant.


Real orange juice

A Nintendo entertainment system.


For me I always thought wealth was having a vacation property. Didn’t have to be super fancy, but something like a cabin or trailer at the lake or in the mountains. Nice beach house for bonus wealth points.

I also assumed golfers and skiers were all well off.

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3 car garage