LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

@Jalfrezi, was that at school? University? Work?

Sounds like you and @StrontiumDog might be older than me!

I decided “hey, I’ll write a game”. To do that I wrote a bunch of tools: compiler, editor, multi-threaded run times, device drivers. Never ended up writing a game (or developed any interest in computer games).

The details are kind of vague but the main issue has to do with the power dynamic of him being a mayor and going out with college students who are apart of democrat organizations.

This thread kind of goes into the power dynamic issue

Other things that might be important in judging how you feel about all this-

-none of the persons involved in the letter are suspected of being students of his while he was an adjunct lecturer
-Alex became mayor at 22 so it’s not weird to go after people in your age group but the issue of power comes up depending on students involvement in politics
-there doesn’t seem to be any inappropriate sexual behavior just discomfort from a couple of people he messaged who he met at college dem events. The students speaking out against him didn’t want to share details due to privacy so it is uncertain if he matched with people he met at the events thru a dating site or if he just straight messaged them after meeting them there but I think the letter implied he messaged them directly afterwards
-the school does not have a no dating policy for teacher/student relationships

This was the main things I gathered from skimming stuff about this story the last couple of days so I could be missing some details



My first computer was a 1984 IBM (with a COLOR display!) which weighed about 100 lbs and the OS had to load from a floppy. I fell in love with the magic of computers then. My first real PC was some off brand piece of crap we got at costco in the early 00’s and had only 128mb ram.

When I really fell in love with tech was as a young boy, I was at disneyland’s now-defunct “innoventions” center. They had computer terminals and this mysterious new thing called “google” which was explained to us as like an online encyclopedia. This was the late 90’s, probably 1998-1999. I loved encyclopedias as a kid and couldnt get my hands on enough of them. I was enthralled immediately - anything my mind could imagine, I could access with just a few key strokes. It really put a spell on me that never really left.

I wish I could capture that magical feeling again of tech. Going to school for it kind of ruined the magic of it all - i know enough about how these machines work that it doesn’t seem so mysterious or amazing anymore.


We’ve discussed Morse in the House & Senate thread. I think the most important thing to know is that the whole thing was triggered by multiple College Democrat organizations who have had repeated, direct involvement with Morse speaking out publicly to say that he was no longer welcome at their events. That is more than enough information for me to draw conclusions.

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That was my first job (the school “computer” was just a link to a London Uni computer - punch cards of course - but I didn’t study that at school).

I have such an intense desire to travel to New Orleans… obviously I’m not, but all I want to do his hop around a city and eat/drink for a weekend. I usually get through the monotony of life by always having a trip planned. Not having that is tough!


Nice, you are older than me. I was 18 in 1986. Sounds like you’re a few years older.

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I thought you’d twigged that every time I’ve harped on abut seeing Led Zep in '79.

Hey, don’t get on me about forgetting stuff and I’ll return the favor. Us old people need to stick together.

The 70’s were great and had something for everyone. Best decade in living memory and probably best since the Georgians.

I too remember bell bottoms and banana seats.

And bondage trousers and worker power. And a Sex Pistol turning up to see Led Zep, and Led Zep turning up to see The Damned.

I was there this time last year and had a blast, my first time visiting but I will defintely go back. I wouldn’t recommend going in August unless you don’t mind dew points in the upper 70s and 95F heat

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That poor kid.

I’m not a racist, but…

We don‘t know anything yet about the long term effects of having Chicken Curry.