LC thoughts for intellectual elites

I was just singing the end of that song to my kittay ‘I say, whatever you need!’

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Awww!!! I like singing to my cats too :)

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“this is the most disgraceful government ever. the most disgraceful. the worst in history. the most incompetent in history. and if you think anything else you’re a fucking idiot” - howard stern


Didn’t Stern give this guy a platform to spew stupid shit for years? (I haven’t listened in a long long time but I seem to recall Trump being a guest many times.)

Yup. Howard had no problem inviting Trump onto his show. I keep saying this, but the entire celebrity entertainment industry gave Trump his power. And now they want to pretend that they’re against him.

Howard had Trump on when he was just an apolitical New York wacko. He supported Hillary in 16 and dems ever since while harshly criticizing Trump so idk what else he should do.

And in 08 Trump would call in and talk about how great a president Hillary would be. Trump invited Bill and Hillary to his wedding, who could have seen this insane turn coming 20-30 years out?

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And he would goof on Trump even back then, he didn’t take Trump seriously. He doesn’t ask every guest what 17x6 is


You can’t blame Stern for having Trump on his show. Stern isn’t a political show really. The dumb morning joe people, on the other hand, were slobbering all over Trump when it got them ratings. And then became brave hashtag resistance freedom fighters when their ratings demanded they do that.

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Right, he also probably had someone called Larry the Retard on his show back then. If Larry inexplicably builds a political empire 20 years later how much culpability does Stern really have?

I was just thinking out loud - not really blaming Stern. I just saw the quote and remembered that Stern had him on a ton back in the day. If I think about it my heavy days of listening go back over 20+ years ago though.

We should all probably stop celebrating wackos and stop making them into cult celebrity figures. It’s not just Howard, it’s The Simpsons, NBC, Access Hollywood, etc. the whole damn industry knew he was a toxic fraud but they kept putting him on TV because they thought he was harmless.

Also, he stopped being apolitical after he called for the Central Park 5 to be executed.


He also ran for president in 2000 but didn’t get far because he forgot to disparage Mexicans.

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I get that it seemed harmless at the time to laugh at the silly man on TV, but we all need to think harder about moron celebrity culture and how platforming these dipshits corrodes our culture in dangerous ways.

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I don’t think they’re pretending for the most part. They probably just didn’t know at the time what a piece of shit he was. I mean, I watched the apprentice. I could tell he was kind of shitty, but I was off by orders of magnitude about his actual level of shittiness.

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Some thoughts today: fuck dentists, the concept of dentistry, and the fact that we have teeth and mouths.

Let me tell you a little story about my last three weeks. I found out about a month and a half ago that I needed a root canal on one of my molars mostly due to a shitty filling from my previous dentist. Did I say one, I meant two right next to each other. So I scheduled a double root canal a month out because that’s the earliest appointment they had. That was a week from last Wednesday.

It was a horrible experience. I was scheduled for 1 oclock. Was prescribed valium, which I took an hour before the procedure and when I arrived they also provided nitrous. This was all fine and good though it was my first time using it. I dont remember anything about the root canal procedure, except for one point they seemingly had to mop sweat from me and I overheard the doctor talking to the nurses and they had the office set at 76 instead of their usual 71. That’s the only thing I remember from the procedure. The process took about two hours and theeeeeen the fun started. They took me off the nitrous and I had one of the worst post medication experiences of my life. The dentist still had to do some drilling, shaping, and molding in order to get my crowns correct. I had the blue barrier in my mouth to prevent shit from getting on the exposed freshly canaled teeth, and a disgusting unbearable wave of nausea hit. So I vomited, twice… then a third time. Right over the side of the chair with about 90% of my mouth covered so it all got to come out a little escape hatch on the right side of my mouth. Which obviously wasnt big enough to get everything, so the hygienist had to jam a giant suction device into my mouth and nearly down my throat to get everything.

This was just the beginning. The dentist gave me no further numbing and continued his work of shaping and molding through my pained grunts for the next THREE HOURS! A new hygienist came in and I finally said, look I’m in a lot of pain, and you keep jamming the sharp sticks into my gums to get the molding right… a molding they took 5 fucking times to get right, before I finally got out around 6 pm, with a plasticish cap on top to protect my teeth while we waited for my crown fitting the following friday.

Fast forward to last Friday, I go into the office and am sat down in the chair. Leaned back slightly and the hygienist tells me to open up. Upon doing so he JAMS a pair of what are essentially pliers into my mouth, grabs the plastic cap and proceeds to yank on them to get them out like hes some english peasant trying to pull the sword from the stone. No numbing agent has been applied, no novacain has been injected, just a man attempting to yank plastic from my head hole.

And oh yeah… it doesn’t work. I guess the previous hygienist did such a good job applying the temps, they are now glued to my gums. So he goes back in and starts trying to get one of the big scrapper tools between my cap and the gums and then using it as a pry bar to pull the cap off. This is also unsuccessful and in the process he slips and jams the back of my lip with the sharp pry bar. This is still without numbing. I’m having so much fun. I finally say, can you please numb me up before we go any further, and he calls in the dentist to do that… who proceeds to shove a novacain needle multiple times into my gums without topical anesthetic of any kind. They then proceed to break the plastic cap into multiple pieces to get it out of my head.

FINALLY I get my crowns in and am sent home… during this time, I have been given no post procedure instructions for care.

Fast forward to last night. I notice around noon that my jaw is starting to be a little sore. Which is kind of weird since I have had hardly any pain since Friday when the crown were put in. The pain quickly escalates so that by the time I am out of work, the whole left side of my face is in major pain. I took an 800 mg dose of Ibuprofein which did NOTHING for the pain, and I finally resorted to some old codein I had lying around to finally get some sleep.

This morning I am still in immense pain. Based on what I’m reading I almost certainly have an abscess, which means… MORE SURGERY!

They open in twenty minutes and I’ll be calling to see about getting in today.

I’ve never sued anyone in my life but I’m honestly thinking about suing for malpractice here. So many things went wrong, from improper issuance of pain meds, to neglecting to provide after procedure care instructions, to this abscess (and yes I know complications are possible) that I just cant imagine that everything was done correctly.

I’m miserable right now. The pain is only masked by the codein and has been seeping through slowly after only two hours.

Fuck dentistry


Dude, everyone knew what kind of a person he was. That was part of the gag. Trump boasted of groping women and Billy Bush just giggled along because Trump was a funny silly man. Howard had him on the show because he’s crass and says obnoxious shit.

The problem now is that it’s clear that giving funny silly people airtime also gives them real political power. This is no longer harmless silly fun when we give Trump his own TV show, it’s actively corroding America.

Yeah, abscessed teeth suck ass.

Have you had one before? What are the next steps here?