LC thoughts for intellectual elites

Get a dentist to take care of it ASAP.

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just need an ice skate and a rock, don’t listen to BIG DENTIST shills

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I meant more what I should expect to experience. How bad was your pain? What was the surgery like, etc etc

Hope you got to the Dr. Not something to suffer through.
Had multiple root canals and never had nitrous or valium. Drilling was only harrowing if Doc removed an old filling. Once drilled and filled, there shouldn’t be pain. The nerves are gone.

Number 1 thing I learned is find a Dentist who has the machinery to do a same time crown. Uses computer imagery to map the space in your mouth then machine a blank to fit. Crown is about the same size and fit of the old tooth. No return trips. 3-4 hours and all done. Same cost as a manual crown.

Damn i saw this one day too late for my morbidly obese friend who will now have to make a second trip to the dentist office before getting a vaccine.

Found out I need two crowns just this week. fml

It’s fine once they get anesthetic pumped in your face.

I went for a follow up and luckily it isnt a abscess. Turns out I’m just MASSIVELY bruised along my gums and jawbone. Gee, what on earth could have cause that? Using pliers to yank shit out of my mouth that’s glued in to well? Jabbing me mercilessly with needles and picks?

Fuck, anyway, I guess I’ve been grinding my teeth to try to ease the pain in my sleep so he told me to get a night guard that keeps my molars from touching and grinding which should let the bruising heal, and he told me to sleep elevated to cut down on the inflammation at night. Slept ok last night on the recliner and didnt need the good pain meds so that’s good. Will probably do that for the next week.


I got my first crown last month. $1,500 down the drain. Also still having some temperature sensitivity. :disappointed:

We’re in an ocean of oxygen. You can see it, where the waters receded is where we are.

The ground was previously the sea floor. It’s crazy when you can see it. Birds are our fish, which makes us the lame bottom feeders. You can see it where land dips into canyons, birds can keep going on their same path across, fish of the air. When you look up at the sky it’s like you’re looking up while in the water. Trees are dry kelp. This whole thing is a dry rub instead of the marinade of the oceans.

When you look at a road for what it is, a walkway laid down upon an emptied out swimming pool, it’s laugh out loud funny. Anyway.


Whole thing is absurd and a temporary gift, both in the short-run and the long.

It’s all going back under water eventually.

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Nothing matters. Enjoy your life people. We’re all just going back into that void of sleep from whence we emerged. No need to fear death, there is no individual; we all just go back into being one.

Anywho. Let’s go team.


Normally I’d delete this stuff but who fucking cares what anyone thinks, just be a good person.

I will stop posting but I was urged to put something down in lieu of deletion. Have a good day everybody!




enjoyment matters

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Been thinking a lot about Jesus.

Dude was just a genius but was nothing mystical. The tall tales were made later as to build up his aura to those that needed to believe in a santa in the sky. He’s Luke Skywalker without the force but he’s just an enlightened guy. No different from Confucius or any other cosmically conscious minds.

There was no virgin birth. Mary got knocked up by a charming chad and bullshitted Joseph. Jesus never knew his dad, probably had a shit ton of kids too. Hung out with the prostitutes and had himself a good time talking to those able to be redeemed as their issues were largely environmental, as opposed to Pharisees and rich dudes in general — you speak truth to power with them. People want to hold on to their status and materialism. Sucks.

Think there’s a ton of people like this but through randomness a few bubble to the top. Jesus was just the Michael Jordan of his day, he’d be Michael Thompson if was around a ton earlier. John the Baptist was Larry Bird/Magic paving the way. Don’t know a ton about Navalny but seems like he has that righteous rebellious spirit and a movement has begun (could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing too; I know nothing). You can see why the forces in power would want to neuter his message by saying he’s equal to god but it’s a twosome, not that we’re all gods and the power is in us all. Requires a full paradigm shift of what god is, those that can speak to it are as dangerous as can be.

Sometimes the best action is inaction tho due to unintended consequences so Imma just chill. If you read up a bit on Einstein and his faith it’s interesting imo.

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Almost deleted again. Oh well, need to work on that.

Or not and accept it. I’m trying the middle path here I guess (by veering to the two extremes, not green but blue and yellow [dat duality]).

Not really.

It’s your choice either way. All thing in moderation, even moderation, or that karma’s gonna get you (simply put that actions have consequences, from all angles).

Even then, the jokes just on you if you grant too much importance in anything.


If nothing matters then it doesn’t matter that nothing matters. Nihilism about meaning is an overreaction to the realization that there’s no God. There’s no cosmic meaning, sure, but lots of stuff still matters. Friends, sunsets, blowjobs: these things matter.

Not trying to argue with you. Arguments don’t matter. We agree there.

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No, I agree. More like there has to be light for there to be dark. And then there is grey also, which is both and neither at the same time. Gray too.

Nihilism is wicked. You have to accept that there’s those that will ascribe to it tho, or not, it will be regardless.

The world’s beautiful enough to accept it as is. Has to be non-beauty for there to be beauty tho, otherwise there just is, which is true too. Paradoxes all the way down. No sense fighting against them to have it fit one’s more convenient paradigm. Chaos and order coexisting is a riddle that can’t be solved.