LC thoughts for intellectual elites

Smartest thing I ever heard in person.0

In the discussion around what she was going to do if she didn’t get some important grant she had been working on for months. Her friend told her “everything else”

This has been my answer to the question on whether or not to have kids. I.e. I’m not going to be hung up on the choice.


Her name was Anastasia, but she changed her name to Carmen, because she likes cars and men.

Then she asked me my name, and I said," B.J. Golf."


You see Michael Moore’s latest film? It’s unreal

Goat recognize

should do a Bowie tournament


I’d say this expresses everything I feel. Listen only if you want to get fired up.

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oof this movie has terrible science.

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I was just talking about this film in another forum. My ignorance will remain. But in this moment, my instinct is that humans are in no way prepared for existential threat, as indicated by the Mickey Mouse response to the virus, the legitimate miracle that we haven’t already nuked ourselves into oblivion, and that we are already in the 6th great mass extinction - losing 150 species of plant, insect and animal life every 24 hours.

I’ll be in the homesteaders thread or on my treadmill.

This is the thread for all non-political low-content discussion, right? I feel like it should be way more active.

Two recent low-content items:

  1. My wife and kid were watching Grease the other day and I noticed at the end that Danny and Sandy were dancing on a carnival attraction with a familiar name:

Turns out that Shake Shack actually did get the name from this movie.

  1. I will often tell my kids jokes that aren’t terribly funny - stereotypical dad jokes. But this one KILLED last night:

“Hey guys, do you know what I learned today that was a complete surprise? It turns out that humans are born with four kidneys. I had no idea - I just knew that adults had two kidneys. [people express surprise/doubt/concern that they’re listening to a joke setup] Well it turns out that people are born with 4 kidneys, but as they get older, 2 of those kidneys turn into adult knees.”

Just an enormous success.


wrt the Shake Shack in Grease I was trying to think what those types of attractions are/were called the other day - searched the web but am still looking for a generic term - it’s not a House of Fun but a ?.

Reason I was looking is because I thought it would be fun to put Trump and biden through one before the first debate - I would be amused:)

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oh yeah - thanks.

I think when I searched Funhouse/House of Fun came up first with Hall of Mirrors so I thought ‘well it’s not that so what else’ …

I am clearly unfamiliar with fairground stuff - can’t remember anything as a kid with a Funhouse but do remember a Hall of Mirrors somewhere along the line - hence my ignorance.

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No, I think that’s just the “Is it the Fall, I mean Autumn” thread in Politics. This thread is for fake intellectualism, real intellectualism, and posting while high but not for venting. :)

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LC thoughts from intellectual elites are equivalent to high content thoughts from amateurs.

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Jason Alexander played the part using Woody Allen as his inspiration until he found out the part was based on Larry David. Alexander called bullshit on one of the stories during a read through because the scene was so ridiculous and David told him that the scene was based on something that happened to him and it played out exactly as written. Alexander started doing Larry David impersonations from that day forward.


I’ve actually never seen a single episode of The Honeymooners. The episode where Jerry takes care of Farfel the dog is hilarious partly because the Steinbrenner voice and the barking dog were obviously both done by Larry David.

I was watching a re-run of the episode where Elaine’s new boyfriend is afraid to do certain things because it might affect his saxophone skills and my daughter was watching (5 or 6 at the time), so I asked her if she wanted to watch something else and she said no, this is funny. She laughed way too hard at the closing scene.

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There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who love Santiago Jimenez and those who love Santiago Jimenez Jr. There are also people who prefer Flaco Jimenez. Those people are stupid.

lol gentrified by the whites and the weirdos and the ones making beer with they artisan beards and man buns

How does it feel?

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Armageddon of my brain!