LC thoughts for intellectual elites

I was wandering in the rain
Mask of life, feelin’ insane
Here abandoned in my frame
Armageddon of the brain

Poor MJ had his demons. But he was free here.

@JohnnyTruant where’s the latest choreography ?

who thought up that arm-hinge move at 3:50? looks like a good time!

i recently discovered that if you make coffee at 1/4 strength then you can drink 12 cups per day instead of 3. :sunglasses: :coffee:


Uhh why would you not just drink 12 cups of full strength???!!

tenor (1) (2)


Tried that for a while…do not recommend.


describe the experience

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It’s like…when you want something a lot…and then you get it, but it isn’t quite you thought it would be. But also you sweat a lot and shit 6 times per day.


But seriously, coffee is awesome. Coffee and a joint. Put on a record. Go for a run. Write something, read something. Think about it, man. :eye:


lacazette! Goat status was probably already bestowed ages ago, so still Goat

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Hippie high ball :ok_hand:


This morning I went for a walk. Something was strange but I couldn’t put my finger on it and didn’t look closely. On return, I caught a broader view of my house and realized: Someone cut my lawn?

Someone. Cut. My. Lawn.

Like … acres. I previously had the lawn around the house cut, but given the size and cost had determined to let large swaths of property turn back to prairie. Now it’s trimmed.

The other day (which day?) I remember hearing the sounds of a mower that seemed close by–I glanced out a window but didn’t really look closely. Now wishing I had, but … how could I know? Bizarre. … It’s a six acre property in total. Not all of it was cut, but it sure seems like someone did a once-over to a lot of it. Last week I was in waist- or chest-high brush in some spots. Now it’s gone.


I forgot my coffee this morning and have been running to the bathroom all day.

Rough day without it.


Thankfully my work day has been over for the last couple of hours. So, I’m okay.

that’s some pretty good barefoot bass.

I don’t think I know what grunge is supposed to be. No one will ever convince me that Nirvana and Pearl Jam are playing the same music.

Exhibit C

It’s supposed to be guitar heavy angsty music from Seattle.

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Same way Shania Twain and Johnny Cash are both playing country.

Is that the first chapter from the new Stephen King novel?