LC thoughts for intellectual elites

Hmm, that didn’t really work.

Did they even explain how the incredible hulk’s pants worked?

I swear there’s a scene Ed Norton’s 2008 Hulk where Bruce and Betty escape to a hotel room and make a half-second joke about him needing to wear stretchy purple sweatpants in case he turns into the Hulk again.

Can’t find the scene though in clips :/


A few weeks ago was my birthday.
My partner (who I am quarantining separately from) tells me:

“I’ve sent your present in the mail. It should come tomorrow, three days before your birthday. But don’t open it yet!!”
The next day nothing comes. I tell them nothing showed up, they say:
“That’s weird. Oh well. Probably just late. We’ll see what happens.”

The day before my birthday I say nothing has arrived, they check online and say “oops looks like it’s not going to come until the day after your birthday, sorry.”

I laugh and say “no problem.”

Bday comes and goes.

The day after my bday a package shows up. I open it up and am tickled pink.

I call my partner and tell them I got the package and opened it!

They are angry at me for not “opening it with them on zoom.” and “told me not to open it yet.”

I assumed I wasn’t supposed to open it before my birthday but that any time after was fair game.

You are not wrong but should apologize anyway.



Eh, that probably just means we’d have killed ourselves off by now.


I think that’s Marcelo Balboa on the color analysis. He’s fired up! ‘That is an absolute phenomenal goal!’

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20 You / 80 Partner

I think I could turn and live with animals, they
are so placid and self-contain’d,
I stand and look at them long and long.

Walt Whitman

you seen the movie ‘With Honors’ ?

It’s pretty good, cute actress I dunno if I’ve seen elsewhere, Joe Pesci and Brendan Fraser.

They read some Whitman stuff, and it’s sooooo good.

He has a great speech on the gubmint, too

Moira Kelly was something

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That end scene at the cemetery, wherein Fraser’s character reads what Pesci’s character had prepared for the occasion… so good. I cry every time :slight_smile: :heart:

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I haven’t. Trailer looks interesting.

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“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” – Frank Wilhoit

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That’s deep.
