Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

LOLā€¦what now? Does anyone even want this job?

At least in the US when one party fucks up this bad usually the Presidency switches to the other party.

Surely the guy who finished second to her would take the job, no?

But in the post-Brexit era the smart money is surely on them doing the stupid thing and welcoming Boris back as a returning hero.

Apparently the Queen was actually holding the whole country together. Huh.

Shows what I know about being a statesman I guess. :queen_not_amused:

Thereā€™s an awful lot more to it than this.

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Oh Iā€™m sure there is. But us punters out in the colonies like to have a laugh at Jolly Old England once in a while. Our PM is currently in court because he told stupid deplorables to go fuck themselves, and you donā€™t even have a PM. Maybe Tony Blair is available?

Time for Black Rod to step up and take control.


Truss is still PM until she isnā€™t. Someone has to have their finger on the red button., apparently.

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Makes sense.

Times like these at least make me thankful there are mechanisms for getting rid of serially incompetent turds, unlike some countries, though there needs to be a rule that a general election should be called when a PM goes.

In Canada we also have a parliamentary system, but the normal mechanism for replacing a PM is through an election. Typically a ā€œno confidenceā€ vote leads to the Governor General declaring an election, but that all goes on ā€œnormsā€, i.e. the GG doesnā€™t actually have to call an election. In fact, I think the GG in Canada could go rouge and decide to do nothing, or even unilaterally appoint a different PM. All of this dependence on norms and adherence by the GG doesnā€™t bode will for Canadaā€™s future as there has been a big surge in populist fascism and the Conservative party has selected a fascist dork to be their leader. If he wins an election he will certainly try to use all the norms against everyone else to maintain power. Heā€™s the kind of calculating asshole politician who will try stuff like naming his brother GG and then having his brother appoint him as PM even after losing a subsequent election.

Sounds like the King should reassert his control over Canada too.

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The King barely relinquished it. The GG is the Kingā€™s appointed representative and technically acts on behalf of the Crown.

A more productive change would probably be for the First Nations and other indigenous groups to reassert their control.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

A no confidence vote carries the same weight here too, but with the governmentā€™s large majority but huge deficit in the polls thereā€™s no incentive for Tory MPs to ever vote for one, turkeys not preferring Christmas and all that.

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Would be great in the US as well for that to happen. Ban everyone of European descent from holding office for 100 years. See what happens.

Ha, gotcha! Youā€™re WOKE AGENDA reveals you to be the Real Racist!