Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

Call me old fashioned but the King’s Guard carrying modern bullpups looks kinda strange.

Representatives from the colonies come to bend the knee!

A nonzero amount of people are literally going to die because an old pedophile-supporter needed a ridiculous funeral for her divine-right monarchy.

My guess is that a ridiculous number of people don’t want to be working during the funeral, so they should cancel as much as they can get away with.

I’m not sure how “voluntary” this all is given that they are arresting people in the street who express any opposition to the monarchy:

Over half the country is going to be watching this on TV. How many people do you want to piss off by forcing them to work instead?

Yeah it’s a strange one, most people I know dgaf about the funeral but would be absolutely livid if they were expected to work while the rest of the country takes a day off. It’s “up to the employer” whether or not to close their business / give additional time off / pay extra but those that treat it as a normal working day will have rock bottom staff morale.

As it happens I’d already booked the Friday and Monday for a long weekend, so I’m happy to get a bonus day holiday later in the year for the World Cup. But anyone expecting the country to carry on as normal is pissing in the wind, it’s unarguably a huge event and workers expect to get some additional consideration for it.

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Truss is just an unbelievably bad public speaker for someone who has made it all the way to PM. Her babbling is a lot like those vapid Kamala Harris videos.

That look when, all your life everyone tells you you’re special, that you can achieve anything. You claw and graft your way up the ladder of power. Finally you reach the pinnacle of your life and fully implement the solutions you know for a fact, have always known, will save the day and make everyone love you and see just how brilliant you truly are. And it becomes one of the biggest disasters in decades of the history of an entire country and some guy you loathe has to come in and try to clear up some portion of the mess you’ve made while you are forced to sit meekly behind him.

If only they had opened more pork markets.

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I mean no big, we just had a coup d’état by finance capital and the City of London. They honed their skills all over the globe so when they did it at home no one really even noticed.

I don’t post in this thread but follow some UK politics people on Twitter.

Just wanted you all to know, full respect to the dumpster fire that is UK politics.

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I seem to have been angrily shaking my head and rolling my eyes for the past 6 years, so excuse me for allowing myself a brief chuckle at the absurdity of yesterday’s commons. When Mordaunt kept hinting at there being a legit reason for Truss being unable to appear I must admit I had a brief moment of sympathy, as just on a human level I wondered if she was actually falling apart under the pressure. But then she rocked up with that inane fake grin, sat blinking and drooling behind Hunt as he tore her entire economic policy to shreds, and wandered out again to prepare for the latest stage of Operation Save Wet Lettuce.
It’s pathetic and insulting, and real people are going to have their lives seriously affected by all this stupidity. God, I seem to have been saying that last sentence to myself for the past six years too.

King Charles really should clean house.

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It’s great fun over here at the moment.

KGM :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Didn’t have KGM down as a misogynist :open_mouth: :wink:

Steve Baker is ■■■■ though.

Steve Baker is the Ur c**t.