Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

God killed the queen.

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Wikipedia editors work fast.

Technically she’s queen consort, not the actual queen.

The Queen, my lord, is dead.

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So Charlie finally gets what hes been waiting 60 years for?

On CNN they say he could choose another name… what could that be? Any historic examples?

KingyMacKingFace works


Apparently he said he would pick George as his king name, so it would be George VII.

(Charles I. ended up beheaded, Charles II. apparently a corrupt secret catholic :smiley:

Truss just called him Charles III. So she fucks up her first major speech. Big surprise.

Well actually he seems to be going with Charles straight up, at least the BBC says so. I retract my previous information :nerd_face:


At least she lived to see the platty joobs.

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CIII it is according to the Beeb

I will say in this age of acceptance and inclusion it is good to have a king who wants to identify as a tampon I say good for him.

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I don’t know how British succession laws work, but I’m fairly certain Erling Haaland should be the King of England.


I mean.


Kind of the ideal start for Liz Truss if you think about it. She’s now the last PM appointed by QE2, and for the next week she can be all statesmanlike, presiding over obsequies prepared for decades.