Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

That’s what I’ve been saying. The sustained collective weight of a number of opinion polls over a period of time would be a far better measure of public opinion on a single issue.

If support for a single issue change hits say 60% in polls over a year it’s probably reached the point where something needs to be done to get a mandate for change.

It dropped to under 50% during the week, think it was 48/52.

Maybe someone here can take a consultancy role and advise them on a suitably arcane process of creating RFCs and proposals etc.


Similar to this?

Btw, that’s when labour’s vote crashed here…

Edit: And that’s why we’re off to the Supreme Court in the future.

I can understand why their vote would crash - one of the reasons people vote Labour is because they think it’s time for decency and good intentions. Once that’s gone they probably feel they might as well go back to voting for the Tories, because at least you know where you stand with those ■■■■■■

Same as happened after the invasion of Iraq.

Yup…Alough our city was different as in it was rather fucked and managed to pull itself up a little and has continued to do so, where as London etc got worse.

The 80’s drug epidemic nearly crushed everyone here, it ruined everything for a few years, the amount of prescription tablets was unreal that even school kids were selling them and the suburbs alcoholics got them from the docs, it’s was mental for a couple of years.

Of course its fair, it’s democracy. :grin:

Campaign slogans are campaign slogans.

@Jalfrezi according to the twitterverse the Greens are in favour of independence & I’m sure the’ve said as much in the past.

This BS about a overall majority of the National Party is English BS and rightfully so will be challenged.

The salient point is that no one votes for the Greens on independence alone - that’s what the SNP exists for.

I think that’s why England is not the home of football as their goalposts move to much/s

Is this and this only…

Majority Baby :kissing_heart:

Anyways its moot as NS is prioritising the response and recovery to Covid-19 and won’t start pushing until the population is back strong or even folks like me might question that.

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Kierstone cops

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Says it all really…