Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

Are you sure you’re not pushing propaganda here?

Because as we heard from the SNP when they pushed for a independence vote saying it would be a historical vote to be able to vote for independence, I’m sure they made clarifications to that message and since we’re a Scottish National Party everytime we have a independence Bill passed in the Scottish Parliament democracy says we deserve a vote as we have a mandate for independence with the Bill passing, no? Or are you trying to deny or Scottish Parliament too, jalfrezi?

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First, I don’t gaf about whether Scotland leaves or not (and I wouldn’t blame it if it did).

I was driving around for a while trying to recharge a flat car battery and on Radio 4 that charge was put to a supporter of Scindy and wasn’t denied. It’s also my recollection of the time too, but maybe that’s wrong?

It’s so important to keep politicians to specific promises they make or we are all sunk. What happened to Clegg should happen to all of them who break promises (and I don’t mean end up in a multi million pound job at Facebook).

True, but NS has clarity on the issue and as I’ve said above, it’s a democratic right to have a 2nd independence vote when the Scottish People vote for the Scottish National Party who have the independence vote in there manifesto.

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The SNP did not make that specific statement, maybe some politicians used words to that effect but again it was understood by most here that the “Generational vote” term was used because it was a 1st, not to say it wouldn’t happen again, jeez I can see NS saying so right after the independence vote which brought all this up, their using the word play again, imo.

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Motorway 70 MPH for 20 minutes should fully charge it for the next time. :grin:

Yeah I did M25 and a visit to an old work place in Essex for 90 mins at 80mph. Should do the trick thanks.

They’ve demolished it and turned it into a BT HQ lol.

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Can someone explain to me what’s going on in Wales right now?

First I & many other don’t care what NS or the SNP or what every Tory bastards wanna chip in… This IS a democracy.


It’s their manifesto & if somepeople want to complain about it, even the ones who I speak too who happen to be unsure or a plain NO, what I say to them is simple, it’s in the manifesto everytime/Where/year and that’s who we are, if you don’t want it go vote for another party that hasn’t got it, plain and simple really

Re mandates: general and regional elections are not fought on single issues - that’s what referendums are for - because you can disagree with some parts of a party’s manifesto but still vote for it because on balance you prefer it to all the other shit on offer.

Yes, there keeping there jobs. :grin:

Welsh Labour has always been strong & their political people showed who was to blame for the 2nd outbreak & lockdown their and have voted according.

The Swansea casuals also hate the English right-wing and went through on the 1st anti_lockdown marches and attacked a few EDL folks. :wave:

But its a strong Labour country all told.

NS and others in the party have already explained that when their voted in their main goal is independence, that’s why I always say to folks who want it the other way ie not a national party to fuck off.

I’ve never denied this here, never said otherwise or tried to hide it, we can work out the details afterwards imo.

So when we eventually win & we will (Maybe not in my lifetime) there’s work to do and parties to spring up.

Did the Greens say the same? Having no outright majority, she needs their support.

There must be some in favour of the union (let’s call them Remainers lol) who voted Green, surely.

You see the problem, right?

I’m not sure bro, it’s just my passion as you know, I’ve wanted independence since I was like 7, always… Its just my thing… Otherwise I’d probably vote green as I’m not entirely on the SNP’s policy’s side on everything too.

I’m not sure, but I’m looking through twitter all night tonight as I’m at work, if I come across anything related I’ll post it.


I know more green party members than SNP lol and their very passionate about indyref2.

The lobby group that Boris Johnson’s government uses most is Policy Exchange. While it claims to be a neutral educational charity, it was founded in 2002 by the Conservative MPs Francis Maude and Archie Norman, and Nick Boles, who later also became a Tory MP. Its first chairman was Michael Gove. Its proposals and personnel have been adopted by the Conservative party ever since.

This stat is also very misleading simply because a fair number of Labour voters will vote for independence, calling the Labour Party here a unionist party is akin to say that Glasgow Council is unionist run, jeez WH was there biggest donor here for a long time, an ex celtic chairman.