Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

It was a surprisingly broad church for the disaffected - there was even a long haired guy who called himself Jesus at some of the early punk gigs - and quite a few unsavoury nationalist types got involved, including Burchill and Parsons.


That was a good read. I was aware of Oborne’s allegiance to the Tories and of his attacks on his former employer, The Telegraph, but that puts his experiences of the mass media into a much wider (and quite depressing) context.

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By 5 votes to 4 #SalmondInquiry finds
gave “inaccurate” account of meeting with Alex Salmond during investigation, amounting to a “potential” breach of ministerial

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What are the consequences?

Will she get away with claiming a memory lapse? Or is there more to come?

We already knew about this, it’s the meeting with Alex Salmond that’s in question where he stated he told her the extent of the charges coming down the pipeline…

Find out tomorrow what’s exactly in this report… She said today that it should be left to the voters, I’m OK with that.

We knew about it from the papers etc but this presumably carries some actual weight.

True… But every man, woman & child here would believe NS over AS

Well the ones that voted SNP

Like my mum hates Nicola with a passion, hates all the stuff about her, 100% still voted for her over any man. That’s Scottish women to a tee.

It’s almost like Scotland’s a different country.

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I don’t think it’s totally true though, wish it was, we’d be in a better place lol. :grinning:

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I imagine if there’s still strong support for indy after all this is over then the Tories will try to buy you off as they did the DUP over Brexit. Money is all they know.