Labor in the USA

Mealy-mouthed GM CEO Mary Barra got a 34% pay increase over 4 years but can only spit out talking points when trying to justify how 20% for workers is “fair”

I work at a UAW facility (not one that’s on strike) and local management is being hilarious. They’ve told us to work from home as much as possible and to be careful going in, keeping our windows rolled up and what not, as if the striking workers are some sort of terrorists. No, these are guys we are friends with and work with every day that just want to some job security and want to see their pay go up at least at the same rate as the high ups. It’s ridiculous.

It’s always the same shit with these companies. When we’re pulling in record profits it’s always “the future is uncertain and we need to protect blah blah blah…” and then during any sort of downturn it’s “the sky is falling and we just CAN’T spend any more money” yet they can keep dishing out huge bonuses and raises to the c-suite. I’d stand with the strikers if it wouldn’t cost me my job.



Workers in only 3 plants can bring all auto production to a halt, but also they’re not worth paying, we should pay the executives who if they went on vacation for 3 months nobody would even notice


I’d like to see the workers increase shareholder value.

Wait, hang on, I’m being told that GM is down 2 points since Barra took over.

Everyone deserves a pay cut at GM.

The new negotiating tactic is the brainchild of Fain, the first leader in the union’s history to be elected directly by workers. In the past, outgoing leaders picked their replacements by choosing delegates to a convention.

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I worked at a smaller but publicly traded company a while back and while our share price was inflated based on speculation of us as a growing military contractor, I heard our president say “I don’t care about the share price, it’s gonna do whatever, we just need to focus on continuing to do what we do best.” He got fired like a year later and the company is now half the size it once was.

Fuck anyone who makes business decisions based on its impact on stock price.


Because everyone knows the only people allowed to work fewer hours for more pay are U.S. Senators.


Have to love living in a world where GameStop was a thing and people argue compensation should be tied to stock price.

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Calling strikebreakers “scabs” is patently dehumanizing (and if your response to this is “good,” you should probably engage in some self-examination)

The free marketeers are chiming in

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Using the term “right to work” as a way to label states that are hostile to unions is pretty diabolical messaging. Shouldn’t have been that easy to pull off.

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Exec comp is basically institutional fraud. The Boards of companies that approve exec comp are comprised of current and former executives from other companies who benefit from a system where exec comp keeps getting higher and higher and that increases the “comparables” for their own compensation. It’s the reverse of a death spiral, exec comp for NEOs keeps spiraling up as each company says that their executives, what are obviously the best of the best, should be paid above median and that just drives the median up for the other companies who want to pay their executives who are obviously the best of the best even more.

Meanwhile, they go on MSNBC and CNN to talk about how higher wages for workers are causing inflation and hurting the economy. You can’t make this stuff up.


Good for her. I’ll wager Bill Maher will show no such personal growth.


Not at all but there’s this mealy-mouthed reversal

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Actual reason: Nobody would come on my shitty panel show while I was scabbing

And also everyone I had booked for my even shittier podcast cancelled when I scabbed



succession your dreams have come true congratulations

Democrats/Our Media should be hammering this clip.

Public support for:against the UAW strike is up to 3:1