Kamala / Walz 2024

I really don’t understand how you can make these two posts within an hour of each other

What does this do for the 30 million who are going to lack health insurance, or the people in the ME that Biden is going to bomb into oblivion, or the Palestinians who are living under apartheid? The time to help them was in the primary. Also it’s pretty pathetic to try to win the argument by implying that no one other than you is putting money/time/energy into good causes outside of the forum. I know I am, so maybe you should get more specific on who you’re talking about.

I have yet to see a Pete supporter acknowledge that it was unprecedented move for him to drop out to endorse a person who had less delegates. He didn’t ask for anything, he didn’t demand a policy concession, he just gave up and gave the game to Biden. Either Bernie was just that unpalatable (lol, unless you’re a billionaire) or he was personally promised something (likely) or it was just a grift all along (everyone on this board knew he had no shot but he was still soliciting donations until the bitter end). Pete received a reward instead of the people. And it sounds like you agree:

“Politically speaking, I see what they are doing. I understand why Pete dropped out when he did. I bet he also had some internal polling numbers. Also, he had a private meeting with Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter yesterday morning, and I’m SURE that had some influence over the decision. They have been friends for a while, and Carter is friends with Biden, as well. Not to mention there was the purported conversation with Obama. I’m not mad at Pete, and I don’t regret my vote or anything I’ve done this entire time. If Joe does win, Pete will be in his administration, so there’s that, but it’s not enough to make me want to back Biden.”

“Pete didn’t drop out for lack of funds (He was on track for his best quarter)”
“As for collusion, um, duh. it’s called politics.”

Pete is going to have a much better career because he was able to make deals with powerful establishment figures. He made a back room deal so he could advance in the Democratic Party. He’s going to get rich off wine cave fundraisers for the rest of his life. And the result was that we now have the 75% of the DNC committee voting against M4A, a policy that polls positively with 85% of Democrats. They did the same thing with marijuana and other policies.

Pete didn’t extract anything for the people when he dropped out, only for himself. His supporters excuse this behavior. It’s not great!


Who do you think will be Biden’s VP pick?

I know. I know. I know…Satan!

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Steely-eyed pragmatism bro

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You guys were demanding that Liz drop out before the first primary votes were even cast.

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It was mostly that polling suggested she was already drawing dead. Since Warren supporters kept claiming that Bernie was their second choice, it made sense to me that they’d vote for their top choice that still had a chance. But of course they didn’t, because they’re lying for credibility. Which is dumb when we can all see through it.


2016 taught people to doubt polls even more than they used to.

I can only respond to this with:

It makes zero sense if you think about it for even a milisecond.

And the same polling suggested that it made sense for Pete to drop out. I’m attacking the hypocrisy.

No no no, I thought we had a the Primary Whimpering thread for this! I don’t like opening up this thread and seeing every other post be hidden. This is out of bounds! :D


What makes even less sense is the bros claiming that they care about policies and then deriding the one person with a progressive policy plan on every issue as a traitor snake.

It does a hell of a lot more than continuing to be mad about a primary that ended how neither of us wanted. We both lost, dude. Get over it and get to work. I know you won’t vote for Biden. How about just not actively working against him? can we make that deal?

Democrats desperately need a bench. The GOP has been working on theirs for 30 years, running for everything from school board to governor, and it’s worked. It’s how they took over the conversation. Oddly enough, COVID-19 has made it much easier to volunteer for candidates all over the country, so that’s what I’m doing.

I’m not the one who brings up Pete Buttigieg every time I post about politics. Why are you so obsessed with him? I said what I said when he dropped out, and the fact that you went back and dug through my posts about it is only slightly creepy. I’m not even sure what you want to hear, and even if I was, i probably can’t give you those answers.

Pete dropped out because he knew he didn’t have a path to the nomination. You see his dropping out as ego, where I see the opposite. why stay in if you have no chance? Also, you do know what happened in the DNC race in 2017, right? Bernie called Pete and asked him to drop out…so he did. I guess that kind of wheeling and dealing is only ok if your guy does it. I understand that Bernie’s strategy relied on all the moderates splitting the vote and winning the nom with a plurality. I have yet to see a Bernie supporter acknowledge that he should have had a plan in place for getting more support and building a coalition in the case that the moderates saw the writing on the wall early. I also don’t run around demanding to hear that from Bernie supporters, because I have better things to do and I don’t think about Bernie all the time.

It’s very freeing to be the type of person who doesn’t hold grudges.

Anyway, if you were going to vote for Biden, who would be an acceptable VP choice?




Biden 2020 - The Era of Harrisment

Listen here Dad

Btw there is literally free money in the VP market by buying no on everyone, can I’m at -80 negative risk

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At least you don’t have weird Berniebros randomly tagging you into these things.

Tru dat

Lol Ed.
