Kamala / Walz 2024

“Least negatives” is an absurd take. I do think she demolishes Pence in a debate, but does the VP debate ever add up to a hill of beans in this era?

It’s gonna be 4 fucking years of this shit. Make a fucking decision and try to sell it even if its not the most polished, focus tested thing ever just try to lead for once. I think people prefer the decisive if insane old man to the dithering one. Do the dems contractually have to come across as timid losers on every subject?


I realize that your question is rhetorical, but I’ll answer it anyway. The eDems continue to position themselves as “stable hand” option. You know, because it worked so well in 2016. And who could forget Obama’s inspirational victory built upon the simple slogan, Acceptance and Stability!

Maybe if Biden just imagined the republican leadership were a million iraqi children we might get some decisive action. Given his mental state that might actually be doable.

Ya who wants careful thought leadership. It’s the worst. The past four years of impulsive research-free button mashing has been awesome.

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The two main models of representative democracy are the trustee and delegate models. In the trustee model, representatives are chosen to use their own judgment. In the delegate model, representatives are supposed to try to convey the sentiments of their constituents.

Democrats often seem to believe in the delegate model and that their role is to come up with the same outcomes that would be determined by direct democracy. However, I think direct democracy is actually awful on anything other than a small scale.

It’s a straw man to paint geewhysee’s desire for decisive leadership as a preference for “impulsive research-free button mashing”. He’s asking for Democrats to act as trustees, using their supposed wisdom to take deliberative action for the common good without testing to see which way the wind blows, to be willing to act in ways that push public opinion in the right direction instead of waiting for the collective will to coalesce behind one option or another.


No politician operates under one of those models. All are a combination. It’s a scale. We need to slide WAY over to the deliberative/delegate side.

Sure I was strawmanning. I think my sarcasm made that clear. Your interpretation of his post is bending over backwards.

Why do you think the deliberative side is the same as the delegate side?

I don’t I’m saying we need both.

I should add. I’m not defending any process that pits people against one another unnecessarily. However, his delaying a decision doesn’t bother me at all. Why do we need to know who the VP is right now? Given Biden has all but said he won’t run a second term, and the state of the Right’s misinformation machine the VP will have to navigate, this choice is unusually important.

I think extra diligence is warranted.

I really don’t get why it’s so hard. Biden got what he wanted!! I guess it’s just true that eDems just have no actual beliefs or desires, so they have to spend time figuring out what some nebulous set of voters want. Then the indecision becomes a story in itself. Whoever is getting me to like brucez posts needs to knock that shit off.

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They’re probably market testing a bunch of women of color with “persuadable swing voters in key states”, aka Nazis, and by golly the persuadable swing voters don’t seem to like any if them!

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You guys (and the MSM obv) panic way too much, they said they’d pick someone in early august, its um the morning of the 3rd.


Someone post an actual reason why it matters if they wait.

I read somewhere that (for whatever reason) the announcement tends to be 7-10 days before the DNC. Since that’s Aug 17 this year, that would put the likely window as this weekend or next Monday.

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Biden has said he is announcing VP this week.

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I saw stories recently that he was pushing it back to next week.

I don’t give a fuck either way.

Right. I don’t really care who it is or when he announces, it can be a surprise done at the convention for all I care. But you can’t spend weeks talking about how the announcement is imminent, it just makes you look indecisive and unprepared.

Two more weeks and I’m sure he will announce

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You just know the consultants are skinning him alive.

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