Kamala / Walz 2024

Guys, it’s Rice


What does being a Christian have to do with not being a socialist or a communist?

That’s Cold War era “godless commie” stuff.


Bass is an obvious disaster so I’m sure it’s Bass.


Really doubt Warren is the VP at this point, but the one interesting thing I learned from this article is that Biden told Warren he wanted her to be his running mate when he was considering running in 2016.

Warren’s still a definite possibility, the rumors are all that Biden is determined to choose a woman of color but his only tweet on his VP pick that I could find just says he’ll choose a woman

Warren is a POC. Pocahontas and all. The radical right wing nazis will looooove playing that tune.


aka the president

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Bass sounds perfectly qualified for a senior position in the US government.


Speaking of, how do re-election campaigns get to donate to non-profits? thats a pretty sweet grift right there, setup non profit, get people to donate to your re-election, reelection donates to non profit ez.

Tucker Carlson weighing in:

For what could very well be the most important job on Earth, Biden has decided to hire exclusively on the basis of qualities that are both immutable and completely irrelevant—race and gender. And that’s it. But wait a second, you ask, isn’t that insulting? Isn’t it wrong? Isn’t it probably illegal?

Yes, it is all three of those things, but no one’s pushing back against it so Biden is doing it.

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What we’re seeing here is that the right-wing derposphere doesn’t have a specific target to lock on to. They don’t know which woman of color Biden’s VP will be, so they rage against the abstract concept of a black woman in high office. It’s like, I dunno, a lion bewildered by the flashing colors of a herd of zebras.


This also is a direct appeal to racial grievances. We all know the only reason that Jimbo Failson is obese, bankrupt, and going through his second divorce is these LIBERALS ramming through undeserving black women, amirite?

Random thought of the day as it relates to VPs, we are currently in the longest streak in US History without a President dying in office. Almost 57 years since Kennedy’s assassination.

Also 2nd longest streak in US History without needing the Presidential line of succession.

They keep nominating 70+ year olds so this streak won’t last long.

Pretty strong endorsement for Rice here


You can tell all the RWNJ it’s actually Condoleezza since they can’t tell black people apart.


I’m not sure why one black lady would make them any more mad than any other black lady.