Kamala / Walz 2024

My longshot bet on Bass isn’t looking so good. Just make it Warren.

Lot of rumors flying around that he picked Rice

well I can’t say for this rumor but looks like the same insiders that were wrong about everything else

shockingly PI comments are allin on this but the market has barely moved.

I stand by my idea that Rice is a -EV pick in a world where there are so many choices that are basically neutral.


totally agree

Rice is maybe the most neutral choice (caveat: idk anything about Duckworth but she’s not a frontrunner afaict). Def more neutral than Harris. Don’t make me post the HRC word cloud for the 100th time to prove that no one cares about Benghazi.

Saying Susan Rice is a bad pick because of Benghazi is like saying Michelle Obama would be a bad pick because of Obamagate.


He somehow found an even worse person than it seemed possible. So basically every nomination for major political office in the last four years.

Bengahzi is not why she’d be a bad pick.

We’re talking about a position where the person is going to be the frontrunner for the presidency for the next few cycles. And (if he wins) Joe Biden will turn 80 during his term. The chances of a death in office and VP taking over are much higher than usual.

Susan Rice has not been elected to anything since she was in high school. She has spent basically her entire adult life as a diplomat and advisor. This is a resume of someone who is a candidate for Secretary of State, not VP.

She has no executive experience. She has no legislative experience. What are her policy positions, particularly on domestic issues? How would she run things? These are incredibly big question marks less than three months out from the election.

I really don’t get it. What is the argument for her?


Man, worrying about her presidential bid seems like fancy play syndrome to me. Let’s just bet Trump and then worry about stopping the eDems in 2024.

You were talking about candidates being neutral, and I thought you were speaking in the context of the campaign and Biden’s chances of beating Donald Trump. That’s the only context in which I’m arguing for Rice over the other frontrunners. In that context, not having a long record of votes and campaigns isn’t a bad thing. She’s free to say without contradiction that her policy positions are whatever’s currently up on Biden’s website. She also reenforces Joe’s main selling point of “return to Obama era sanity”.

And I think these concerns would affect the campaign and chances of beating Trump. I could be wrong.

Also saying that her policy positions are “whatever Joe Biden’s website says” would be absolutely horrendous. I hope (and assume) that she’d have something better to say than that if she were picked.

LOL “experience.” Bro we talkin’ bout a country that just elected Donald Trump. How did all that EXPERIENCE serve George W. Bush? It doesnt matter and nobody cares about it when voting.


I’m saying she would advocate those policy positions when appropriate, not literally say “whatever’s on his website.”

And anybody who says they do care and votes for Trump because of it was voting for Trump, anyway.

I think you and EB are both right. It won’t change votes but it’d be a pretty confusing pick.

Picking the one person associated with Hillary after we’ve spent 4 years trying to scrub her name from the party seems like the fancy play syndrome to me.


Benghazi was 100x the story that Obamagate was. Michelle is also independently popular whereas the only time we’ve ever heard about Rice was through this.

To my knowledge, Rice and Clinton have nothing to do with each other. Rice was a staffer on Obama’s primary campaign against Clinton. The only connection is Benghazi, because they both worked for Obama at the time.

The eight year old Benghazi story that Rice was not really involved in anyway sways 0.0% of swing voters away from Biden.

0.0 sounds false to me. There were certainly swing voters persuaded by the constant drumbeat of Crooked Hillary and this is more of the same. A known name from a similar universe that has a wealth of bullshit for Fox to spread. It only takes one whiff for someone disaffected to say lol Dems.

There’s still an obvious VP pick but it would lead to too many poors getting healthcare. Maybe we can get Karla Jurvetson in there instead