Kamala / Walz 2024




If heā€™s talking about Bernie, heā€™s better off in the Senate. Was curious if it was someone else.

VP should either be a forgettable competent administrator with no political ambitions or someone who is a strong political operator who can get things done behind the scenes.

Weā€™re for sure going to be hearing about benghazi constantly if Rice is the pick. It doesnā€™t matter that 160k people have died from a global pandemic, letting four americans die in benghazi is going to be pounded into the airwaves as the worst crime ever committed.

Weā€™re going to be hearing about imaginary scandals no matter who the Dems pick. Stop worrying about what the Republicans will do.



They ran on Obama being from Kenya, John Kerry killing his own soldiers, Benghaziiiigate was an invented scandal from the start. It doesnā€™t matter who the nominee is, weā€™ll have Fox News blasting Kamalagate 24/7.

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Who on earth would claim that the VP pick between Rice and Harris would sway their vote?


But whom Biden selects is hugely important in my decision-making. There is, for example, a massive difference between Kamala Harris and Susan Rice. For me, itā€™s likely the difference between Biden getting my vote and writing someone else in. Harris would have my vote. Rice would not.

Meh. People that say this stuff are people that are perfectly happy with Trump being President but know that they will be shunned if they come right out in the open about supporting fascism. Most the time theyā€™re just voting Trump on election day anyway since no one is watching. No reason to take this at all seriously.

Yes, they will make up scandals about any pick. No, not all fake scandals resonate the same and get the same media coverage. I donā€™t think Rice is a good idea.


Bull. The media blares everything the right says with no fact checking at all.

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Oh sorry. I was agreeing with @dlk9s (and now you) that such statements are ridiculous and that S.E. Cupp was a great example of peddling nonsense.

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Yep, Iā€™m just piling on!

The 8 year old Benghazi story is no different from the 25 year old Clinton Foundation story that the nutjobs wouldnā€™t stop talking about. Why give them extra material?


Itā€™s possible that Riceā€™s lack of elected office has given them less avenues to attack her than politicians with a long track record of votes and stated positions, so while Republicans can attack her on Benghazi in a way that might fire up the base, there are fewer opportunities for attack so that nominating her might effectively be giving Republicans less material rather than extra material.


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America lives a redemption story!

Like Trolly says, everyone has some bullshit that rwnjs are gonna feign outrage over. Benghazi never got traction as an issue in 2016 outside of GOP media, unlike things like emailz and to a lesser extent the Foundation, probably because it had already been fully resolved 10x over. In the current environment, Iā€™m more worried about Harrisā€™s tough on crime background and her own shambolic Presidential campaign producing stories that do get shared outside of the rightwing bubble.

I mean the biggest tell here is that story Riverman posted of GOP officials very magnanimously warning Dems not to pick Rice. For their own good, of course.