Kamala / Walz 2024

whitmer met with biden very recently so she’s shooting up the PI list into 3rd place

at least if it’s whitmer



As far as how many American lives have been lost as a consequence of that foreign affairs catastrophe, the graph is correct

(just hedging in case Trump wins)

Knowing basically nothing about her politics, on paper Whitmer seems like the best choice of the remaining people supposedly in the running. She’s a popular Midwestern governor in a critical state who’s approval rating increased thanks to her handling of the coronavirus. Running on handing the pandemic/recession is by far the easiest way to victory. Unless there’s a miracle vaccine in a month it’s going to be by far the most important campaign issue.

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Whitmer brings some 100% authentic Midwestern cred to the game. She went to MSU, Whitmer’s wikipedia picture is her wearing a leopard-print blouse --this is the song of my people.


-Knows how to manage a pandemic:

Whitmer issued a stay-at-home order in response to the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020.[38] This order was met with broad public approval; a March poll found that 69% of Michigan residents supported Whitmer’s actions, including 61% of self-identified Republicans.[39]

-Delivers Michigan (although we’re all fucked if Joe needs help winning Michigan).

-Has been invited to the cookout (cf. the post above).


-Oh boy, she’s not very liberal at all:

In July 2018, Republican officials accused Whitmer of supporting the movement to abolish ICE, a claim Whitmer disputed. She said that if elected she would focus on improving Michigan’s “fundamentals”, such as schools, roads, and water systems.[23]

Whitmer has said she would fight Republican efforts to take away protections for patients with preexisting conditions. In the State Senate, Whitmer successfully worked to expand Medicaid coverage in the state. She has spoken against single-payer healthcare as unrealistic.

-Was a cop:

On June 21, 2016, Whitmer was administered the oath of office as prosecutor by Ingham County Circuit Court Chief Judge Janelle Lawless. She said her top priorities during her six months of service would be to determine if any other officials in the prosecutor’s office knew about Dunnings’s alleged crimes and to change how the office handled domestic violence and sexual assault cases.[17]

On July 22, 2016, Whitmer issued an 11-page report on whether Dunnings’s alleged criminal activity had affected cases handled by the office. The report concluded that employees “were never asked to compromise a case or look the other way” and that she had “full confidence that any problem that had existed in this office left with Mr. Dunnings.”[18][19] Whitmer’s term expired on December 31, 2016.

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People really need to stop conflating “single payer is unrealistic” in this political climate with against single payer.

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My understanding from when I researched her a few months back is that she supports universal coverage but isn’t tied to one version of what that means. She’s not opposed to M4A, or single payer. She for whatever will get 100% of people covered.

Definitely above par for a dem and I’d be thrilled if she was the VP based on what I know and the alternative options.

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The tricky part is this cuts both ways - some people who just fundamentally oppose single payer will say “sure, but not in this political climate” in every political climate.


Sorely u just

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Not contributing anything, but I believe we get a leak or an announcement in the next 48 hours.

It‘s going to be Kamala Harris or
Whither. Susan Rice is a horrible choice. No-one cares about policy in a VP and she will be attacked anyway, as people have pointed out.
It isn’t about Republican attacks but about the Democrats‘ reaction.
Kamala Harris used to be a prosecutor, and an adversarial approach comes to her naturally as you can still see in Senate hearings. Susan Rice is a career diplomat from the Obama school of reaching across the aisle. No, thanks.
Whitmer has executive experience at the top and guaranteeing Michigan seems like good move, too.

I kind of see the meh at guaranteeing states that were already guaranteed (if we were going to win), but I’m in favor of a VP candidate that might contribute to a landslide victory. Even if that’s just in Michigan.

Whitmer seems like the best choice out of the current group of front runners honestly. Not only does she lock down MI which isn’t in any way a bad thing, she’s also a governor facing the COVID epidemic. Making her massively more news worthy isn’t a bad idea at all.

She can go about her daily business as governor of MI and be one of the most powerful and important campaign messages of the cycle I suspect. This will also help us a ton with the fact that we need to hide Joe. The one good piece of news is that Joe’s team is VERY aware that they need to hide Joe. They’ve been doing it successfully for like two years at this point :pensive:.

Also once we win having someone whose been in a major executive role facing COVID since the beginning is not a bad thing. She’ll for sure be first person aware of where the CDC ends and the Trump administration begins so that we can make that particular amputation as clean as possible.

It’s honestly amazing that nobody stopped him from running. Everybody in his orbit has to know that he’s not functioning at his best anymore. With the most important election in history you’d think someone would have convinced him to sit this one out. Alas…

Sounds like the dream as a consultant, you get to pull all the strings and run the country through a lifeless husk

That requires winning the election. It’s way harder to win when your lifeless husk has to be kept hidden for 10 months because he says something stupid everytime he speaks.

I am ready for more ads about Joe’s bitchin’ rides.


I hate to post this, but he probably would have sat out if Kamala or someone like that would have won rather than Bernie.

He probably has so much guilt over sitting out 2016 that there was no way of talking him out of running. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ran despite believing that the stress of the job combined with his age means he would have at least a 25% chance of dying in office.

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