Joe Rogan

Trying to argue that barbarian tropes aren’t racist doesn’t seem viable to me.

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Wait are we really trying to be anti racist to barbarians???


Not when it’s clearly set in past and applied to Genghis Khan

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Can you define the concept of a barbarian without reference to an inherently superior culture? Its almost definitional.

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Bro all races were barbarians. It’s more tribal than race. It has nothing to do with race. It could have easily have been to Celtic barbarian king or whatever


Yes this seems more accurate. Good point.

Genghis Khan

Also it’s not saying his culture is inferior in every way - just the fancy stuff like why does the sun come up.

I’m not willing to go to a point with this where we can’t even joke about historical tyrants who slaughtered 100s of 1000s of people.


Stim, you are mistaken. It’s a long racist tradition to portray indigenous and non-western cultures as primitive by way of poor broken English.

Indigenous example

Asian example

General explainer

It’s basically “if you don’t speak perfect English you are subhuman”.

Also, it’s odd to claim I call everything racist. I’ve called ancient aliens and half English racist. Both are very well documented cases with widespread examples.

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Did cavemen speak Oxford English? Other than this guy ofc,

ETA, as a point of historical accuracy, it’d be very inaccurate (and possibly racist through cultural European inheritance) to portray Genghis Khan as an unsophisticated troglodyte, but I think you’re asking too much of the guy making the joke.



“It’s not racist because the Mongols really were backwards morons” isn’t a great take.

Also, didn’t Conan speak in proper English? obv he had an accent but Conan the Barbarian was using words like “lamentation” and whatnot.

That’s all true but you’re mistaken about the context of the meme. It isn’t he has broken English because he’s a dumb asian/brown. It’s Guy has broken english because he’s a dumb caveman type barbarian.

Khan is just coincidental because its more well known than saying some Gaelic tribal leader.

You’re wrong times infinity and I will debate this no further.

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This conversation is dumber than the morons that built the pyramids


Racism is funny. Zing!

You’re being specist by claiming only humans could have built the pyramids

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I don’t know what that emoji means but chieftains/tribal leaders were all over the place in European societies beyond say Imperial Rome, although confederations of tribes sometimes came together to fight common enemies under the leadership of perhaps an elected leader, not a lot of sources on this.

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I fucking specific Gaelic who are modern day french/irish/german/british people, were all tribal people.

Thinking Tribal = brown/asian is racist as fuck and ignorant as fuck of history.

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