Joe Rogan

Am I surprised that racism has taken center stage in the Joe Rogan thread? Absolutely not.

Did I think this was how we’d get there…not so much.


My point is that I just think that it’s a terrible idea to ban Joe Rogan (not sure if it is even being discussed to do so) on the behalf that he’s an ex mma fighter who could become prez and end up destroying civilization because we all know egyptian conspiracy theories are generally racist.

Silencing everything equivalent to Joe and below to prevent the worst case scenario seems like it could backfire in other ways, imo. But I could be wrong and concede that I am not as familiar with Joe as others are.

I’m faded so if I’m being a dick I apologize but sometimes I do think there is a sliver of truth in that a very small percentage of liberals are insufferable when they just try accuse every single thing of being racist.

Of course conservatives/republicans are insane racist evil fucks and its their entire ideology along with grievances but a very small % of liberals do in fact take shit way too far and just turn everything into you’re being racist.


Um I have a PhD in archaeology. Pretty sure I know that.

Anyway. Carry on. You don’t think it’s racist. Ok we will agree to disagree.

Why did you quote “tribal leader” and add that emoji? I took it as you think “tribal leader” is a problematic term. Is that what you meant or did you mean something else?

My point was it’s irrelevant if we can cite examples of European tribal groups. Those are not the targets of language based racism.

Oddly, this ties right back to ancient aliens and the racist idea of “primitivness” being tied to early cultures, normally non-white.

The broken English trope is never used to target prehistoric Nordic cultures. It’s used to target POC.

Even if we grant in this case it was meant to represent Gaelic Tribes (I see no evidence for this but let’s assume) it still perpetuates the much more widely used racist trope thereby normalizing it.

It supports the idea speaking poor English is a sign of stupidity and lesser culture.

No offence taken.

I will note I have cited evidence for both my claims of racism itt. This is not some woke edge case. They are both well documented in anthropology.

Odd that I am the one accused of being the right wing centrist all the time!

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I’m just gonna grunch and assume Clovis was making a joke.

Oh dear.


I think everybody’s named all the spiders


I identify as a freight train and this comment is highly problematic. Your silence on passenger trains is also very telling.


I have no idea what this means but I assume you are insulting me for some reason given who is hearting it.

I will say it’s sad seeing so many posts itt arguing against well documented examples of racism on a forum that pretends to be so progressive. They are also the most hearted posts.

There is no difference between this push back and the pushback you would see on any right wing forum. People writing and hearting the pushback need to stop and self evaluate. These are not woke edge cases. These are both foundational examples in anthropology with well documented histories.

It’s a case where your responses shouldn’t be “but I don’t think it is racist therefore it’s not”. It should be “interesting, I didn’t know that. I’m glad I better understand the historical context. I am always looking for ways to be an ally and reduce harm”.


I assume you posted this cause it mildly funny but is also very dangerous. It’s the same idea that allows the right to disregard all the evidence for systematic racism in our system.

The 5-4 podcast just talked all about this. The right wing of SCOTUS just hand waves all social science data so they can pretend institutional racism/sexism/homophobia etc isn’t real.

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Would people be okay with it if the joke was him as a Native American chieftain speaking in broken English? I’m honestly surprised at the reactions here.

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This would be a really good point if I’d called a single person itt racist.

Native American Chieftans didn’t conquer like half the world and wasn’t known for having people from other cultures come before him and try to learn their knowledge so it wouldn’t have made a lick of sense.

Thats why they used a Khan. The Khans conquered a huge chunk of the known world, were tribal barbarians who wanted to learn some of the knowledge of the settled societies so they had people come from places they conquered come before them and try to explain shit to them.

Honestly using a Khan is the only example this joke would have worked in this context.


I will admit my total ignorance here - is this an actually try thing that happened, or was it some mythology about Ghengis Khan that was made up after the fact? I honesty have no idea, but if someone has some insight please share. I wouldn’t be surprised if Khan was actually the Worst Person Ever, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if the people that he conquered manufactured any entire mythology about him that was totally divorced from reality.

Like so much pop history much of what is understood about him is mistaken. The idea he brought people to him to learn about the world because he was a simple nomad is based on the fact that he valued historians, artists and scholars and would often save them when raiding a city and send them through the empire to spread knowledge. It’s a simple framing difference, but important.

Much of what people think they know about him is not true. He wasn’t some blood thirsty psycho. He also wasn’t white.

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Let me ask you a simple question. Why the broken English in the joke? What is the joke there?