Jeopardy! Thread (No spoilers until after the show EST)

I think its between 1 and 2 weeks but not entirely sure

Nah, all the “name” guest hosts are only doing a week each for charity.


I think Ken was great after he got comfortable. My only complaint is the way he says “…nnooooo”.

He also deserves the gig. Can’t think of anyone more synonymous with Jeopardy (outside Alex obv). We still have a decent backlog of year-old Alex episodes on the DVR. At first the contrast was glaring. Not so much now.

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Possible Categories… “Pseudo” Science, Miracle Cures Before and After, Disgraced Harvard Alumni, The Phantom of the Oprah, Weird First Name Word Origins


Could do a whole week’s worth of games on this topic alone.


yeah, he needs some workshopping on that

He seems to take feedback and/or have some self awareness. He’ll continue to improve.

He’s gotten better, but he needs to slow down even more.

However, I just don’t think he has the chops to be a gameshow host.

Ok LOL two categories from today’s double jeopardy round were “P” for Science and Paging Dr. TV


the EP did a really good job hosting today. better than i’m sure whatever guest host bailed at the last minute


Dude gagged on his Big DD wager. He just froze.

There were two possible source words. Didn’t think it was that hard.

animals within words category. Clue contained the phrase “champagne magnum” with gnu as the correct answer.


The life just drained out of him at that second. It was painful to watch.

And then the champ blew a fairly easy FJ just to pour salt into the wound.


10,000 was such a tweener amount. Gave him a backdoor chance to be at 50% of first but in reality if he is going big he might as well go really big and try and lock the game. Such an easy category with the answer spelled out in order somewhere in the clue, and to me pretty easy to narrow it down to 1 or 2 words as the possible source.

lol fox hates Ken Jennings because he said mean things about Trump.

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I haven’t seen the episode yet, but as Trump would say, that dude looks like he just came out of central casting for game show hosts.

Can’t believe Aaron Rodgers is gonna host Jeopardy gtfo

But what a dream job that must be if he gets the offer. 10M/year to host a game show for a lifetime position rather than a couple of years left as a football player. How do you say no to that?

So they decided not to go with Doc Oz at the last minute?

In Hades, the main character ended up being voiced by the composer because everyone agreed his placeholder lines were done better than the actual voice actors who auditioned.

I think about Ken Jennings enough that my google news features stories about his tweets when they get a few thousand likes

I’m hoping that’s what happens LOL. Make him an offer he can’t refuse.