ITV: Impeachment Television

Come on man - I’ve watched 5 minutes of Rick and Morty and figured that out.


I never made the connection! Though I haven’t seen any of the Back to the Future films in decades and don’t routinely think about them so that may be why.

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Stupid old man.


Doc is orders of magnitude dumber than Rick


Don’t feel bad I didn’t realize this until you posted it but haven’t watched any BTTF since I was a kid so I assume that had something to do with it.

I legit had no idea until Harmon said it on a podcast. And the podcast was recorded like four years ago but I just listened to the podcast so I was behind even on the blatant reveal.

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You just need your timeline to catch up to the present.

I’m sitting here at my desk staring at a Doc Brown Funko Pop standing on a BTTF2 hoverboard. So the films aren’t frequently out of my consciousness. Come to think of it, I have a Rick figurine flipping double birds in my family room.

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He kinda of was. I can forgive pronouncing naught and knot the same way for a non-native speaker, but he had advanced degrees in a STEM field and not once in his career did he wonder why the zero was called a naught/not/knot. It was just a random sound he kept repeating with no understanding.

This derail, in this thread, is going to cause Nun to jump off a building.

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But we’re Not derailing.


I’m definitely getting that game, Telltale games are always solid plus they got Chris Lloyd for the voice acting.

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Back on topic McFly…

Lies to correct first up is Volcker Tues PM. Then Sondland Wed AM. Those will be interesting as it’s obvious they at least shaded things the first time out.

Did someone tell them what to say?


My Dad is from PN and his family traces back to PN dutch. He has done a lot of genealogy all the way back to the 1850s which show this heritage. Basically at this time in history there was not a solid difference between German and Dutch culture, as the nation of ‘Germany’ did not exist. Additionally immigration records only show the port of entry, ala the port which the immigrant left from in Europe, and many Germans actually left through other ‘dutch’ countries so it is very hard to say whether any specific PN Dutch person is actually from the Netherlands (the likely port they came from), Hanover, Colonge, Prussia or some other ‘German’ nation-state. My understanding is that most of the people who left from ‘Germany’ around this time did so because they were Catholic which is likely true for this part of my family as well.



The identical twin brother ethics lawyer is a nice touch.


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any links to that pop out thingy will be much appreciated guys

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