ITV: Impeachment Television

Only one Senate Republican has broken with Trump more than Rand Paul:

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Doing it to be anti-government makes sense, in a republican absolutely retarded cognitive dissonance type of way. Like its the legit opposite. Whistleblowers are one of the best tools at keeping the government honest and exposing their bullshit.

So it’s almost a lock thats what it is. lol republicans.


It doesn’t matter if the name is right or not for what he’s doing. What matters is it sends a message to all future whistleblowers that they will retaliate so keep your mouth shut. They don’t want people blowing the whistle on their corruption.

The back side of that placard is printed “Snitches get stitches.”

So Paul has voted against Trump twice and Collins only once?

Guy’s going to get an official resolution of “You did nothing wrong, actually it was a good thing” by the end of this

Every R senator who comes up to explain their reasons for acquitting makes me physically ill. We really live in a world where actual, provable facts do not matter. It causes physical revulsion knowing that anyone can make up their “facts” at any time and others bend to it as if its actual reality.


And one of the biggest forces in making this happen just received a medal of freedom last night. MURICA sucks.

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This would’ve been a good speech by one of the Dem Senators.


Good speech from Jones.

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Only a few minutes in but so far agree. Good and about as cathartic as it could be given the results.

Romney sounds an awful lot like he’s gearing up to vote to convict. Probably a pump fake?

Romney just said Trump DID commit a high crime and misdemeanor.


Convicted. Good for him.


that one Utah state congress dude trying to recall him will be furious today



Rmoney just totally destroys the bullshit “this is soooooooo partisan” talking point.

Im not a fan, Mitt, much like I wasnt of McCain, but you broken clocks get things right every once in a while.


“We need things to be fair. Its why we dont allow deflated footballs or stealing signs from the field”

Ummm, dumbfuck, the teams that did both those things won their respective championships.

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Any actual defense of trump by these moroms voting acquit, outside of “the process was soooooooo unfair!”

He actually said this. How fucking dense can you be?