ITV: Impeachment Television

They did not vote to censure him. However, they were troubled, and a few were deeply concerned.


I think it would be nearly meaningless politically, but to him personallyā€¦ it would send his copy of Mein Kampf into orbit.


Iā€™m Natalie Portmanā€™s live in sex slave before Trump gets censored by the Senate.

In fact Iā€™d give me like 10,000:1.

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You better share

If he says something incriminating off the cuff during the SOTU tomorrow, is that considered evidence for the Senate?

Does it matter if they already admitted heā€™s guilty but will do nothing about it?

He could say in the SOTU that he plans to ask Russia, China and North Korea to do everything they can to help his re-election. Republicans would stand can cheer and the entire right would think itā€™s fine. Fox would run days of stories about how itā€™s only right that other nations help MAGA.

Nothing matters anymore but I want to imagine McConnell having to use some technicality to ignore Trump admitting to shit in front of the Senate.

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Technically he never said thatā€¦

ā€œHe has made that clear himself, without self-awareness or hesitation.ā€

Schiff brought out the self-awareness card. I like it.

Censure seems unlikely if they wonā€™t even vote to have an actual trial.




Eh, it matters. To the low info average American, a couple days of headlines of ā€œSenate Censures Trumpā€ is a big deal.

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Nothing matters.

Nancy should pull out a bible and ask him to swear an oath just before the SOTU.

Rand paul is a fucking lunatic

These fucking sycophants. I cant listen to this shit.

jfc, itā€™s even worse than RANDSTANDING, now heā€™s trying to get someone killed

Why exactly is Rand Paul trying so hard to out the whistleblower? Like whats his motivation? Isnā€™t his whole schtick supposed to be that heā€™s libertarian bro with morals?

Obviously its bullshit and heā€™s scum like the rest of them but I donā€™t see how this benefits him. Iā€™d expect this more from someone who deeply needs Trumps love and blessing or someone whos schtick is being a huge Trump defender. I mean hasnā€™t he voted against Trumps shit more than most Republicans?

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The WB is an essential recent piece of the coup narrative. He believes people conspired from the beginning to manufacture the circumstances that could lead to Trumpā€™s removal. I donā€™t think heā€™s embracing it so much to be pro-Trump as to be anti-gubmint.

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