ITV: Impeachment Television

Seemed like a big deal on West Wing


The Senate will give Trump its strongest ā€œtsk tskā€.

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Okay hear me out. Nothing will happen like removal and probably nothing political.

But it will destroy Trump personally. He doesnā€™t have a humble bone in his body. He crows that zero senators think he did anything wrong. He boasts that he sets records for unity in the party. All proof of his perfection.

GOP Senators voting to censure him for this will send his golf cart into orbit.

Paging Narratorā€¦


hokie, you canā€™t let me have a little hope for all of checks time signatures six minutes

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A censure from any republican just means ā€œDonā€™t get caught next time.ā€

Meh, itā€™s not going to happen, but I agree with RiskyFlush that a censure would actually be a pretty good deal. (I donā€™t know about personally; but I think itā€™d be a pretty big blow politicially. Fuck off Narrator)


This actually could happen, I think, right? Like, it would only require a simple majority, right?

I guess most of the GOP could try to filibuster and McConnell would probably try to block it, I donā€™t know the filibuster rules around a censure.

I wonder if the House could pass a privileged resolution censuring Trump to force the Senate to vote on it? The triggering that would cause would be epic.

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At the very least it would stop him from taking a victory lapā€¦ which I think the GOP Senators know is a bad idea for the country on a pretty deep level.

I mean look what happened the last time he got a cleanish bill of healthā€¦ he immediately swan dived back into hot water and made them bail him out again. Like the Mueller/Barr coverup on the Russia thing was a work of artā€¦ and he just immediately lit a half a dozen more fires within a week of getting clear of it.

If they just acquit him heā€™s a mortal lock to do something else. They have to know that not swatting his nose with a rolled up newspaper is just asking for another bombshell. (Narrator: even after they chastised him with a censure he immediately dropped another bombshell)

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uhh is there any indication at all that any R would vote for censure?

Iā€™m gonna go out on a limb and assume no, but at the very least, like @spidercrab said, this could perhaps force some of them to reconcile their BS comments with their inability to EVEN FUCKING CENSURE the schmuck.

Maybe itā€™s just a drop in the bucket, but perhaps every drop counts.

At the very least, itā€™s more than I expected from Joe Fucking Manchin.

Iā€™m not at all on team WAAF but my god a 53-47 vote on censure means absolutely nothing to anyone ever.

Dude ainā€™t getting censured. Everyone calm down.

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Trump is going to take a victory lap no matter what. The main value is to put Senators on the record that they either literally condone Trumpā€™s actions (no room for "wrong, but not impeachable '), or they piss off Trump, and hopefully the latter means that he goes at them HARD.


Maybe maybe not. It puts the gop senators in another tough spot so I strongly approve.


This is true. But the reason we know itā€™s true is my evidence for why it would ā€œmean somethingā€ despite grueā€™s assurances to the contrary and despite my shoddy use of quotation marks there.


why is it a tough spot? And theyā€™re already on the record, they vote for everything he does!

Iā€™m not all that worked up about it I just feel like after 3 years of this we should be realistic. We have one ā€œwinā€, McCain and the ACA, which TBH if I was at all conspiracy mindedā€¦ the rest they never vote for and we never get those 4 votes in the senate. They are literally on the record saying that Trump did nothing wrong. Why would they vote to censure?

Of the handful of GOP senators who are on the record that it was wrong but not impeachable, it is a top achievable outcome of this process to either make bare the lies of their acquittal vote explanations, or to make them enemies of Trump. Seems better than doing nothing, even if it isnā€™t much.

Schiff taking huge shats in his closing speech. May as well. If you know youā€™re going to lose, swing for the fkin fences.