ITV: Impeachment Television

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Really social media is what made this all happen. Once Facebook was created, it was always going to end this way.

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Once people with all kinds of crazy ideas could gather online all kinds of sh1t started to happen. Then of course Orange comes along and they have all now gone public.

Extreme example:

It’s really ruined a lot of board games.

Felt like the last panel was off by a hair.



The good faith from Republicans continues

I’m not a lawyer, but how do they even start to impeach him for something he did before he was in office? Have we sunk that low?

You think that matters one motherfucking ounce?


You could impeach presidents who aren’t even in office anymore.

I’m sure the GOP would impeach Obama just to rile up deplorables and get them out to vote.

I insta block all of these #Resistance slappies for my sanity.

Clearly impeachment was set up by our founders to overturn invalid elections. Also I motion to close this thread.

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If Iowa does it’s job, Ernst won’t have much to say after the 2020 election

Is she going to have an opponent that’s actually good?

ernst/trump lead by 6/7 over every dem in polls I’ve seen. (trump won by 9 in context) One of those possible but tough elections. Hopefully enough Iowans have actually watched her during this because that shit is not Iowan.

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This is interesting:

A censure is about all we can hope for from this Senate and it somewhat forces the hands of people like Rubio who have said, “Of course he did it, I just don’t feel like voting to convict.”

did not expect Manchin to be the one firing off on this

I mean it’s just cover for his upcoming acquittal vote.


In case there is anyone unaware, Joe Manchins daughter is a legalized serial killer who jacked up the price of epipen and literally murdered people as a result. Fuck Joe Manchin, we will take the (D) seat but again, so I’m clear on this, fuck Joe Manchin


Someone ELI5 what it means to censure a president

Absolutely noting.