ITV: Impeachment Television

Am I the only one who feels confident the Supreme Court will rule 5-4 that the president is dictator?

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No, I don’t see any other outcome

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After the chief justice sat through the best trial ever, the biggest on record in fact as it had the largest crowds, CNN and the fake news media got none of it though, it was all on OANN & my Pal Tucker’s show, honestly you’ve never seen a fairer trial in all of history, believe me it’s a cake walk.


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I think Uncle Blazer has been my most despised twitter person over the last few months. Constantly feeding these institutionalist fairy tales is so fucking harmful in a time where we need people to be aware of the fact that our institutions are completely broken and are, in many cases, enemies to progress.

Like how the hell do you look at everything that’s happening and decide “ok I’ve got to make sure everyone knows that we’ve still got some subpoenas to banks and stuff that will blow this thing WIDE OPEN”. It’s basically propaganda for the oligarchy at this point.



Gg democracy

Yup. We’re done.

It’s kind of amazing we made it 200+ years in this country before a president figured out the “fuck you, no” cheat code.


Pretty sure Andrew Jackson did it as well. Also i don’t think this would have worked any other time.I mean they were about to remove nixon for shit nowhere near as bad.

So its mostly we just have 60 million of the worst Americans in our history right now coupled with the most powerful propaganda network in existence making this possible.


Yah this type of thing is absurd. If that’s what turned her to a no, she was always going to find an excuse to do so.

It’s like dealing with anyone incapable of a rational discussion. Don’t be cruel, but also, don’t be dependent on their response.

This is funny, but it wouldn’t have worked for most of the 200+ years.

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Yeah, gonna have a hard time believing that after sitting through that shitshow it was one awkward question from Liz Warren that made Lisa Murkowski worried that someone was making America’s institutions look bad.

It also took dudes a long time to figure out you don’t have to punt or take midrange jumpers, so can’t say I’m entirely surprised.

Big data really has fucked everything up hasn’t it. Shit was a lot more fun before everything was “solved”

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