ITV: Impeachment Television

This is a good one. Real but that’s with waaf coloured glasses on.

It has nothing to do with nouns or names. You add the “s” when you pronounce it.


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Doesn’t this beg the question of how to pronounce it though? FWIW, m-w says both are correct

For names that end in an s or z sound, though, you can either add -'s or just an apostrophe. Going with -'s is the more common choice:

the car that belongs to Jones → Jones’s car or Jones’ car

EDIT: Jesus is apparently special because reasons:

The names Jesus and Moses are always made possessive with the apostrophe alone:

Jesus’ disciples
Moses’ law

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No, it solves the question of how to pronounce it. If you never add the “s” then it’s left ambiguous and you also look dumb, imo.

Gotta say, I am so happy I paid exactly zero attention to the entire senate “trial”.


Yup. It’s really a time waster for people who already follow what’s going on and those who don’t aren’t going to sit through trial proceedings.

General strikes haven’t been a thing for decades in America. The employer simply has too much power over the employee and employee often can’t afford to miss work without risking going into debt or being fired.

The most effective strikes occur when people in high-skill, high-education fields unionize. Video game designers are doing it right now and hopefully other white-collar workers follow suit.

Sorry, this still seems circular. In any case, I submit evidence that both are acceptable:

Wall Street Journal:

Yes those are both correct because the author’s pronunciation is different. Or at least that’s what I assume. That’s what it would indicate in a properly apostrophe’d world. If you want someone to pronounce it like “Collins’s” why would you write “Collins’”? Madness.

Also pointing out how some shlub journalist writes something is not going to convince me that that’s the right way to do it. Run-on sentences and comma splices are all over the hack world of journalism. Not right!

Technically it’s Collins’s. Having an ‘s’ as the last letter in your name doesn’t change the rule involving the use of apostrophes.

Good sentence structure is sorely lacking in some journalistic outlets. It’s pretty common when it comes to editioralists as they tend to disappear up their own assholes while trying to seem smarter than they really are by using complex sentences and relying heavily on a thesaurus.


Good journalism is sorely lacking in some journalistic outlets.


Fuck all this noise. I just shipped $27 to Bernie, and I encourage everyone else to do the same for their candidate of choice. I will be maxing out my contribution to the eventual nominee and phone banking/canvassing for the first time. Not going down without a fight.


I agree. I think I already posted this, but I’m volunteering for Bernie. Gotta get out and do something.

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One of the things here in Prague (and really anywhere else in Europe) is that the American expats I’ve met have been almost exclusively left-wing. I’m sure there are some white-collar types who get paid big bucks, work for corporations based in America and live in Europe but they’re not as common as expats like me.

At last count, about 9,000 Americans live in the CR and 6,000 of them live in Prague.

The problem is that just 7% of overseas Americans vote. This is because of three reasons: nobody is representing our interests, it is incredibly frustrating to register to vote from overseas depending on where you’re registering, and people who aren’t filing taxes in America don’t want to show up on the IRS’s radar (America is one of two countries which require you to file tax forms in not just your home country but America as well). Also the process of having to confirm our eligibility to vote every year before being granted an absentee ballot is infuriating. There’s nobody in any country here telling overseas Americans how to register to vote or explaining any of the process at all. An estimated nine million citizens are completely ignored by the country they once called home.

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Just shipped $27 also!


What’s so special about $27? That the average donation for Bernie?

It was in 2016, he’s down to ~$18 this campaign.

Also shipped $27 and gonna do more texting tonight.

Gonna start showing people I know that Killer Mike Bernie ad.


LOL this poor guy, he’s never going to figure it out. He’s happily re-arranging the deck chairs for a celebratory soiree.


tick tick tick…

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