ITV: Impeachment Television

Yeah… That’s been reported all week.
Embedding the original CSPAN tweet since it also has video

51-49? I didnt hear Collins vote

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Yup. Fuck Murkowski. Fuck the reds. Fuck it all

Who’s young… He voted No from the Dems side?

Rep from indiana

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You would have had to be a moron to see this heading any other way from the very beginning. I am glad that Bernie (and Warren to a lesser extent) can get back out on the campaign trail now.


The Dems need to re-open an impeachment inquiry and subpoena Bolton and Parnas. Immediately. In fact, they should do it the morning of the State of the Union just to trigger him.


This exactly. Call your reps, call Nancy. Tell her to do this

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What they really need to do is not allow a single thing to pass the Senate. Absolutely nothing.


Yes, they need to do this, but lol

But the USMCA was an incremental improvement, bros!

Maybe time to abolish the Senate entirely. They’ve demonstrated themselves to be completely useless and corrupt. By my reckoning, half the Senate is controlled by 16% of the population. Yang or whoever should put that on his T-shirt.


Hey look, somebody beat me to it:

House Member Introduces Resolution to Abolish the Senate

Whereas the Senate in particular has become an obstructive and useless body, a menace to the liberties of the people, and an obstacle to social growth; a body, many of the Members of which are representatives neither of a State nor of its people, but solely of certain predatory combinations, and a body which, by reason of the corruption often attending the election of its Members, has furnished the gravest public scandals in the history of the nation. . . .

April 27, 1911


I really like the idea of Bloomberg paying Democratic voters to move to these roomy but grossly underpopulated and over-represented states, thus changing them from red to blue.

I’m fairly sure you just hurt Susan Collins’ feelings.

Also genuine ask. Is that apostrophe correct? I know that would be plural on a noun but can’t remember if it’s different for names. I have to know before I catch corona and the country implodes.

Real or onion?

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