ITV: Impeachment Television

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@JohnnyTruant whatever you do do, donā€™t leave the country as yā€™all will be safer there when the shit kicks off.

Iā€™m honestly worried for Europe and the UK will obviously join the US in any and all Special relationships

Not to mention that India + others seem to be along side tooā€¦ The genocide is happening atm, just not to us yet.

Whatā€™s immediately next is we get to watch a bunch of disgusting pigs take victory laps while the MM presents them as legitimate humans. Iā€™m filled with dread atm.

One of my goals in life is to find Michael Cohen after he gets out of jail so I can laugh in his fucking face while playing parts of this recording. I feel like I could make it happen.

Not that 99% here didnā€™t call itā€¦ :rofl:

Especially with a budget deficit over a trillion. Shit is going to hit the fan in a lot of different ways. Itā€™s like the shit has been coming, and theyā€™ve just kept pulling the fan back and making it bigger. Now weā€™re standing on the edge of a cliff, with the worldā€™s biggest fan, and a huge shit storm on the way.

It sounds like the GOP doesnā€™t have the votes to end the trial. LOL.


CNN panel discussing whatā€™s going on. Apparently McConnell and Schumer have been talking, and some of the Republican senators have been meeting with like the Senate rules person.

Sounds like the final vote wonā€™t be 'til next week, I guess they donā€™t have the votes to end it tonight, which is what a lot of the GOP wanted.

In theory, if Collins and Romney wanted to force the issue, they could refuse to vote to end the trial and try to force witnessesā€¦ I doubt Collins would do that, though. Like, not a chance in hell sheā€™d do that.

Oh YSSC :rofl:

Nancy is only trying to save face, end it next week and it will simmer out by Thursday when the New crimes surface wrt the Dems.

they have the votesā€“it just turns out literally nobody wants to hear trumpā€™s state of the union non stop bragging so they moved it to the day after.

Wrt Canada and Possibly Australia. No That would be my choice if I was an American looking to leave.

Surely that will stop him from bragging about it the night before!


I agree, I wish it was a viable option for me. But for me, it wouldnā€™t be a one-way door, which does make it tougher. On the other hand, Iā€™m a white male, so I just need to wipe my social media and Iā€™ve got a pretty good shot at escaping if it gets really bad. If I was a minority and non-citizen, Iā€™d definitely be looking to get out after heā€™s ā€œre-elected.ā€

Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t do more before 2016 to give us a better shot at avoiding all of this, and the spot itā€™s potentially going to put so many people in, including you. Iā€™ll regret not volunteering before the '16 election until the day I die.

As if heā€™s not going to rail about this anywayā€¦


They are holding the vote until after the state of the union that way if Trump admits to what everyone already knows in his speech, they can update their tweets to VERY inappropriate, but still unimpeachable.

Saw a twitter mention that there is a glitch in the rules drafted that allows Schumer to introduce amendments and force votes. ???

Indeed a few of us feel the sameā€¦ :disappointed:

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