ITV: Impeachment Television

And thats the problem. Do we really want fariness? Do we really want truth and honesty in our government?

Then we have to force it. Shut down the industries. Shut down the markets. Fuck, unemployment is only at like 3% They could never replace us all. Demand the transparency and dont let up until everything has been made public. Either the country dies at our hands or at theirs. I know what Id rather have

Stop playing whack a mole with self-proclaimed never trumpers. They’re all voting Trump again. Spend your time mobilizing a far more important group: non-voters.


This isn’t wrong, but it happening depends on Trump being competent, calculated, and restrained, as well as having other people around him who are. An impulsive simpleton is apt to act only in obvious, grandiose ways.

IMO there’s never going to be mass uprising until society as we know it has been disrupted in a serious way.

Bravo tv and Instagram still work. You can still get literally anything delivered to your door tomorrow from Amazon. Order dinner from your phone and watch it on a map until it arrives in to your hands.

My wife thinks Trump is bad, but can’t tell me why (credit to her, she would likely at least identify kids in cages).
Many, many very smart people at my work are in the same camp. They acknowledge that Trump is corrupt, but don’t care to be informed beyond that.

I feel like we are the frog sitting in the pot of room temperature water that’s sloooooowly coming up to a boil. One day we’re going to collectively look up from Fuck Jerry’s Instagram stories and we’ll all be in goddamn internment camps.

For example, trying to get foreign governments to dig up dirt on a possible opponent 15 months before the election.

The vote was 47-53


I guess on the plus side, the first person team trump will probably go after at this point is bolton, and none of us will shed a tear about that.

I do get a kick out of every single Team Trump slapdick thinking THEY will be the person that finally matters. Like, Michael Cohen probably thought he was going to take daddy down. How’s jail, asshole?


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This is an extrajudicial drone killing I can get behind!

Does he mean “the Squad”? Dipshit can’t even get his red meat talking points right. #Sad



Fuck. Its just lie after lie after lie after lie

Chuck probably views this as a huge win for the Dems.


White house clownsel making a good case for calling witnesses right now

Yeah. IANAL but what is his point? They were “cross-examined” by Republicans in the House. If they call these people as witnesses they will be “examining” them. They will not be “cross-examining” people who they are calling as witnesses.

This country isn’t going to survive the next recession.