ITV: Impeachment Television

Trump shot someone on 5th Avenue.


Let the record show that I didn’t post this.


I mean this really says it all, doesn’t it. Saying the quiet parts out loud more succinctly than we could.


I wish I could like this post twice.

It’s like a contest to see who can go farthest fastest with “sure he did it, we don’t care”

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Their best strategy is the one that guarantees victory with the least visible and obvious disruption to the normal political process.

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To be clear, I do not condone violence of any kind. I was making the hopefully obvious point that totalitarian, fascist governments do not topple peacefully.

Embrace martyrdom

Coming soon: UnstuckPolitics: Dark Web Violence Planning Edition

If the Nazis can do it, why can’t we?

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So it’s Collins and Romney with a 49-51 vote count for no witnesses :eyes:

Haven’t watched this whole thing from the start given that I was in a poker tourney, my “NeverTrump” father thinks the Democrats moved too fast and they’re being unfair. He says they hid testimony by hiding the testimony of the 18th witness, the IG. Can anyone tell me/link me to why this is bullshit? Cause obviously it is.

In other news, my “NeverTrump” father who “hates” Trump but hated Hillary more and thus voted for neither one has announced that he also cannot cast a vote for Joe Biden, due to his obvious and horrible corruption, and thus will abstain from voting if it’s Biden vs. Trump. Excited to let you all know the reasons he comes up with for sitting it out if the nominee is Bernie, Liz, Pete, etc…

I think you’re father is talking about the Scif interviews maybe as there the ones being touted as unfair…

Geez no wonder he has misinformation on this… Google it and its all FS/Fox/Etc

It’s something about not transmitting the testimony of one witness to the Senate, while transmitting the testimony of the other witnesses. Is it that the IG didn’t testify in an open session before the House, and the others did? Thus their transcripts were transmitted and his was not?

No… Emptywheel will explain it all better than I or even Adam Schiff ever could

It’s all in her Blogs about the mistakes from both sides on the “Laws”

Basically the’ve both been found to be streaching the Law wrt surveillance…

Sorry, yes I’m sure this is in part more mud flung at the wall…

Looks like what happened is that the IG testified in a classified hearing about the whistleblower, and that wasn’t transmitted to the Senate for obvious reasons and the GOP is making a big deal out of it to confuse people (and it’s working). They’re making it look like the Dems are covering up testimony that might be exculpatory, but really it’s just to protect the whistleblower.


Heres the problem.

After this we NEED a general strike. If 75% of the ciuntey demands something and 51 senators deny that that is happening, those 75% of people have to band together and shut down the country until it happens.

And that strike will never happen. And that is why WAAF. We will not do what needs to be done because we are under the boot of capitalism.


Give Alaska back to Putin

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We cant get people moving when 95% want background checks before you buy a machine gun. Were not getting that 75% because some trial in Congress didn’t do what should be fair.

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