ITV: Impeachment Television

I feel crappy about this outcome, but these two posts are exactly right. We got the best possible scenario: A blatant extortion scheme verified in public by multiple credible individuals. This offered a far better chance for a serious impeachment trial than if Dems had pursued impeachment based solely on the Mueller report or on the emoluments clause. And even with that scenario, Senate Repubs are like “LOL @ U”. They’re going to vote to acquit and Trump will use that acquittal for the next 9 months as evidence that he conclusively did nothing wrong.

Hot (Nuclear?) Take: The face that so many people are disheartened by this entirely predictable outcome is evidence that Pelosi was right to be reluctant about bringing impeachment charges in the first place. (My view is that it was the morally right thing to do, but very risky strategically.)

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Bahaha murkowski

Edit: no abstain needed from Roberts

I believe it was the right thing to do regardless. I would be true WAAF if they hadn’t at least impeached him. That sycophants and boot lickers stuck by him was always going to be a problem.


We haven’t had semi-fair elections since Roberts gutted the VRA, and there is no reason to expect that Republicans will settle for even 2016 levels of unfairness.

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And now that we know how everyone is voting let’s have a four-hour debate on whether to have witnesses.

Republicans have finally lived up to the promise of the party of Nixon.

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And here we go, the strategy for when future information comes up is going to be blaming the House for not properly investigating shit.

I think the next episode of Preet’s podcast will be the one where he snaps.

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I didn’t think they played baseball and football in countries like Russia. But I guess they do now.




This is accurate, the only question is how much they’ll be able to interfere in states with Democratic governors and secretaries of state (MI, WI, PA). Took me 15 minutes to figure out a couple ways, hopefully they’re too stupid and poorly organized to pull anything on that level off.

If the Democrats don’t immediately re-open a new impeachment inquiry and subpoena Bolton, Mulvaney, etc, they’re even more incompetent and/or complicit than those of us who are OGs on Team WAAF thought.

75% of the country wants witnesses. SEVENTY-FIVE FUCKING PERCENT!!! The GOP will call this partisan, blah blah blah, political games, etc… The response repeatedly should be, “75% of Americans want witnesses, we’re respecting the will of the American people.”


That Killer Mike video didn’t even move me today, I’m lost for words but this expresses my feelings… I said in around 2016 maybe the very start of 2017 that if protests to shut down literally everything that they would gain enough power of the Law that they will attack us and I believe that’s just around the corner…

I feel like I should stop posting and erase all my online activities, I have no belief in news anymore or institutions to save/help us anymore…

I feel like a war is coming and on the same day we the UK leaves the EU Putin has successfully coordinated a coup of the US Senate. :sob:

On the SAME FUCKING DAY. or within 24hrs whatever.

I’m sure it’s not as bad as I’m thinking atm… But we should all believe it is because there is not going to be a fair elections in our country’s ever again. Imo Unless we Break this system.

Welcome to the new age of Social Media Governance :relaxed:

I’ve spent more time than I care to admit contemplating when it will be unsafe to express my dislike of Trump publicly, and whether there’s a chance in hell I’ll figure that out in time to save myself.

Why worry about meddling in particular states when you can straight up arrest or assassinate the Dem nominee?

I’m definitely definitely going to be in another country pretty quickly after he wins. I’ve said way too much way too loud. The people on this forum are all fucked if he wins. We’re like 25% to die in a reeducation camp.

Why worry at all when the plebs are throwing out ballots of the Dems and with the aid of the local PD.

Easy game… Those Sheriffs sure do have power.

So many Senate morons to hate, so little time.

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Well ya see, all those Bernie Bro’s live in another country So?